Just to let you know
Blanca Estella Garcia
Pursuing a global PhD degree in public policy at Walden University. A member of the Golden Keys International Honor Society,NSLS, CITI program with academic excellence and leadership potential.
I just received notification from Walden University about credits for a master's degree in philosophy that will be arriving in the mail soon. I'm also in the process of enrolling in another master's program in education. In addition, I already hold a master's degree in public policy administration and a PhD in public policy. I am a member of the Golden Keys International honor society, the National Society of leaders and success, and I volunteer with the Esperanza Education Fund. Furthermore, I have completed a certificate program with CITI Program in science, law enforcement, sexual harassment, and school personnel. On top of that, I care for my mother who recently experienced a life-threatening heart attack, I take care of 25 homeless cats and two dogs, and I am involved in the K-12 educational system.