The Just King - Dawwud, peace be upon him

The Just King - Dawwud, peace be upon him


The Just King Dwwud, peace be upon him

Just kings are rare in this life, and even in the Quran they did not exceed 4 or 5 kings, and despite their small number, Allah the Almighty did not neglect to mention their virtues as a type of models that Allah the Almighty wants to shine in the sky of the earth... What do you remember when you hear the name of the Prophet King Dwwud- peace be upon him -? That is, what you used to remember, perhaps his virtues gather in one place that makes your remembrance of him different from now on. Let's begin...

Who is Dwwud?        

Full name

He is Dwwud bin Isha bin Owaid bin Baaz bin Salmon bin Nahshon bin Ammi Nadeb bin Ram bin Hezron bin Perez bin Judah bin Jacob bin Isaac bin Abraham

So he is from a family of prophets

His qualities that are known about him

He was pure and clean heart

Short of body

Has Little hair

The worship of Dwwud, peace be upon him        

The Fasting

The fasting of Dwwud was the most beloved fasting to Allah, as he would fast half of the year, break his fast one day and fast the next day.

The Night Prayer

He would sleep the first half of the night, then wake up and get up in the second half of the night for about a third of the night, then sleep the rest of the night until dawn, this is what the Messenger of God, Muhammad, used to do, as he said about the way David worshipped: (The prayer most beloved to God is the prayer of David, peace be upon him, and the fasting most beloved to God is the fasting of David. He used to sleep half the night and stand for a third of it, and sleep a sixth of it, and fast one day and break his fast the next day.)

What do we learn from this part of his biography?

1- His closeness to Allah - the Almighty - to the extent that he fasted one day for Allah and broke his fast the next day, as the common people say (an hour for yourself and an hour for your Lord), he made a day for the world and a day for Allah, and it is difficult except for those for whom Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, made it easy.

2- The strange thing is not in his worship, the strangest thing is in the mention of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, of his worship - why? Because he is a prophet like him, and he is the final prophet, so mentioning his qualities is a kind of transcendence and elevation above the desires of the self, as there are people who were loyal friends and if they were put in one place, they would never see the qualities of the old friend and would see him as all evil, if you mention the qualities of your brother, even if they were put in one place, it does not diminish your value, but rather raises your self’s urge to baseness.

We begin to tell his stories through his youth and up to his old age - peace be upon him.        

The loyalty of a young soldier is unknown in the army

Allah says

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
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And their prophet said to them, "Indeed, Allah has sent to you Talut as a king." They said, "How can he have kingship over us while we are more deserving of kingship than he, and he has not been given abundance of wealth, He said, “Indeed, Allah has chosen him over you and increased him abundantly in knowledge and stature. And Allah gives His kingdom to whom He wills, and Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing, and their prophet said to them, "Indeed, the sign of his kingship is that the Ark will come to you, in which is reassurance from your Lord and a remnant of what the family of Moses and the family of Aaron left behind, carried by angels. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers." So when Talut had set out with the soldiers, He said, "Indeed, Allah will test you with a river. Whoever drinks from it is not of me, and whoever does not taste it - then indeed, he is of me, except for he who scoops up a handful with his hand." So they drank from it, except for a few of them, and when he and those who believed with him had passed it, they said, "We have no power today against Goliath and his soldiers." Those who were certain that they would meet Allah said, "How often has a small company overcome a large one by Allah's permission? And Allah is with the patient, and when they came forward to face Goliath and his soldiers, they said, “Our Lord, pour out upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people.” So they defeated them by permission of Allah, and Dwwud killed Goliath. And Allah gave him the kingdom and wisdom and taught him of what He willed, and were it not that Allah checks some people by means of others, the earth would be full of mischief. But Allah is full of bounty to the worlds.

The story in brief

Did you not know, O Messenger, the story of the nobles and dignitaries of the Children of Israel after the time of Moses? When they asked their prophet to appoint a king over them, under whose leadership they would gather and fight their enemies in the cause of Allah. Their prophet said to them: Is the matter as I expect if fighting in the cause of Allah is imposed upon you, that you will not fight? I expect you to be cowardly and flee from fighting. They said, denouncing their prophet’s expectation: What prevents us from fighting in the cause of Allah, when our enemy has expelled us from our homes and separated us from our children by killing and capturing us? So when Allah imposed fighting with the king He appointed for them, they were cowardly and fled from fighting, except for a few of them who stood firm by the grace of Allah.

The story in detail

1 - We learned about the story in brief that King Talut was chosen by God Almighty for the nobles of the Children of Israel to lead them in the war against their enemies, when they asked for a leader for them in the battle, and you are an expert that the elite in any society cannot tolerate being led by someone who is lower than them in social status or academic status...etc. and this is human nature, but God Almighty corrects the concepts for every nation, and here is the nation of the Children of Israel, and we as Muslims are addressed in our Holy Quran with their story, so we are the ones concerned.

2 - The elite of the Children of Israel revolted against the choice of God Almighty, which is a kind of bad manners, but this is what happened, so they mentioned the idea of entitlement: We are more deserving of the kingdom than him, and they were not satisfied with that without presenting evidence before them (We are more deserving of the kingdom than him because we are the elite and he was not given ample wealth, i.e. Talut, so they have abundant wealth)

3 - God Almighty’s response to their revolution through the tongue of their Prophet: a response that did not heal the arrogant hearts (Talut, the new leader, was distinguished by his vast knowledge, and it seems that he had military knowledge, and God knows best, and his vast body). It seems that his build was one of high physical fitness, and the matter ended and what God Almighty wanted happened.

4 - Because everything has a sign, a clear mark, and the sign of his leadership over the elite of the Children of Israel was that the Ark would come with reassurance and the remainder of the inheritance of Moses and Aaron, peace be upon them, and whoever carries this Ark will be the angels... and that happened.

5 - Indeed, Talut led the elite, the nobles, and others of the Children of Israel to war against their enemies, but his military experience began to show its strength, or rather his faith experience, call it whatever you want to call it, except that he had a test for those who would complete this war with him. If they passed by a river, they would not drink from the river except as much water as the palm of the hand could scoop up.

Listen to this scientific talk

What are the benefits of pre-loading with water before an exercise?

Once you start sweating, you’re fighting a losing battle against fluid and electrolyte loss, so starting with proper hydration can be extremely beneficial. When you’re properly hydrated, you have a larger reservoir of fluid to draw from over time than when you’re dehydrated.

A 2019 study found that

14% of 63 long-distance runners who started a 246km (153-mile) Spartathlon race were mildly hyponatremic. The irony of this extra focus on pre-event hydration is that many athletes can go from drinking a little too little before training to drinking heavily before competition, and this can lead to a whole host of problems! I’ve written about the common tendency to over-drink before races in the past, and the bottom line is that this is a very real problem that can lead to hyponatremia (low blood sodium levels due to not adequately replacing sodium lost through sweat and over-dilution with plain water or weak sports drinks), which can be very disastrous for health and performance if left unchecked. A 2016 study found that 10% of athletes tested at the IRONMAN? European Championships were hyponatremic, which shows you how much hydration issues can impact performance.

6 - Listen: So they drank from it, except for a few of them. Indeed, after a short period of time from the battle (they said, “We have no power today against Goliath and his soldiers”). These are the ones who drank a lot of water.

7 - As for those who obeyed the command of Allah, the Most High, and he does not know the wisdom, whoever is thirsty drinks this logic thing and it is not natural that you prevent me from drinking, but compliance had the effect that Allah, the Most High, wanted: Those who think that they will meet Allah said, “How often has a small company overcome a large company by permission of Allah...” Where the springs of wisdom and patience burst forth in their hearts and mouths.

8 - The war began and Goliath appeared (this terrifying monster of the enemies, the enemies of the Children of Israel at that time) and his soldiers appeared, and this group of believers from the Children of Israel defeated this huge army, the army of Goliath, despite the small number of the Children of Israel who obeyed God’s command with lack of understanding. And they defeated them with God’s permission.

9- The strange thing is not that they defeated them, the strange thing is the appearance of Dwwud. Who is Dwwud until now? He is a soldier and not a leader. The leader Talut did not kill the leader appointed by God Almighty himself, Goliath, but the one who killed him (David) was one of the younger soldiers... What is this message, O Lord? What comes to mind is that victory will come at the hands of the greatest soldier (the supreme commander of the military forces) and not the youngest soldier. But you must know that God gives His kingdom to whomever He wills at the time He wills. Is there favoritism in this because Dwwud is from a family of prophets as mentioned above? God forbid that God Almighty would do that, but God Almighty is aware of the hearts in the chests and of the most sincere and honest of them and those who wish for victory for the sake of God Almighty.

10 - What happened next? And God gave him the kingdom and wisdom and taught him whatever He willed, from Dwwud? And why not Talut? God is the one who chooses and He is the All-Knowing, the All-Aware.

So Dwwud the little soldier became overnight: a king, and he was granted wisdom and knowledge. Of course - peace be upon him -

Judging people with justice, and the kind of gratitude that God Almighty loves

Allah says

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
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And Dwwud and Solomon, when they gave judgment concerning the field, when the sheep of the people had pastured therein, and We were witness to their judgment. So We made Solomon understand it, and to each of them We gave judgment and knowledge, and We subjected to Dwwud the mountains, to glorify [Allah], and the birds, and We were the Doer. And We taught him the making of shield for you to protect you from your violence. So are you grateful, They make for Him whatever He wills of shrines, statues, bowls like reservoirs, and fixed cauldrons. Work, O family of David, in gratitude. And few of My servants are grateful. (13)

Life goes on, and whoever was young grows up, whoever was poor becomes rich, whoever was weak becomes strong, and whoever was ignorant learns. This is the way of life. Dwwud (peace be upon them) grew up and inherited the prophethood that is not inherited but given as a gift, And he inherited the kingdom, which Allah the Blessed and Most High appointed for him and did not inherit it from father to grandfather, and he took knowledge from Allah the Blessed and Most High, and you, yes you: as a Muslim, are only required to be sincere to Allah early, so He will give you and grant you and not diminish you according to the amount of goodness in your heart for this religion, Today, Dawwud is not alone, but he was born to one of the best sons, Solomon, peace be upon him, and he inherited the prophethood this time from his father Dawwud, and he also inherited the kingdom from his father Dawwud, peace be upon them both. We will begin to narrate the details of the noble verses:

On the authority of Ibn Mas`ud:

That field was a vineyard, meaning grapes whose clusters had grown. A vineyard whose clusters had grown, so it was spoiled. He said: So Dwwud ruled that the sheep would go to the owner of the vineyard. but Solomon said: Other than this, O Prophet of God! He said: What is that? He said: The vineyard is given to the owner of the sheep, so he takes care of it until it returns to how it was, and the sheep are given to the owner of the vineyard so he can take some of it until the vineyard is as it was, then the vineyard is given to its owner, and the sheep are given to their owner. That is what he said: (So We made Solomon understand it).

To comment on the scholars’ interpretation:

Father Dwwud- peace be upon him - had divine knowledge and knowledge directly from God, but the good did not come through his hands but through his son, and there is no sane father, whether a prophet or an ordinary person, who does not love for good to come through the hands and mouths of his children better than him, and what do we benefit from: Some abnormal fathers - may God Almighty protect us - They do not like good to come except through their own hands, and in some completely abnormal cases they attribute good to themselves. In public life: you may work as a manager and others who are younger than you or less knowledgeable work for you, and good comes through their hands, not yours. What will you do? Will you follow the path of the prophets and submit to the wisdom of Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, to grant whomever He wills with knowledge whatever He wills, or will you attribute the credit to yourself, cover up the achievements of others, or even distract people from their achievements so that they do not see your shortcomings in anything?

And to each We gave wisdom and knowledge.

God Almighty did not withhold knowledge from Dwwud, but His wisdom willed that the broadest understanding should be at the hands of his son and not at his hands. Thus, generations of generations of knowledge are handed down, without monopolizing a position or religious prestige or even social prestige.

And We subjected with Dwwud the mountains, to glorify Allah, and so did the birds. And We were the Doer.

We return to Dwwud- peace be upon him - and the blessing of God Almighty - on Dwwud: God Almighty made the mountains subservient to Dwwud, and the birds glorified Him with his recitation of the Psalms (a holy book for the Jews). So imagine that the universe around you shakes at the beauty of your voice.


we do not live alone, but rather we live in a cosmic system that respects the Lord of the earth and the heavens more than we do. God Almighty says (And there is not a thing but glorifies Him with praise, but you do not understand their glorification) even what we see as inanimate objects like mountains: God Almighty knows and we do not know how to glorify Him. Then God Almighty concludes the verse (And We were to do it) meaning that it is the will of God Almighty to make the universe around Dwwud- peace be upon him - listen to his hymns, and it is said to everyone who has a sweet voice in reciting the Qur’an, “You have taken a hymn from David’s hymns.” Now, the universe is glorifying around him, and his son, shortly, the birds and animals will speak to him. It is a great blessing that we will talk about in the story of the just king - Solomon - peace be upon him.

And We taught him the making of shield for you to protect you from your violence. So will you be grateful?

Allah, the Blessed and Most High, taught Dwwud, peace be upon him, how to make military armor, that is, he taught him the craft of blacksmithing. You know that the craft of blacksmithing dirtys clothes, has a strong, unpleasant smell, and also dirtys the hand. Did you look closely with me? Dwwud is now an honored prophet in addition to being an honored king. How did Allah, the Blessed and Most High, make him humble with this kind of humility, and why? We don't know why, but is it for the idea and honor of work itself? Is it because the king is humble and thinks about the weak among his people? Is it because work creates in a person's character what emptiness does not create, even if it is management? God knows and we do not know, then God Almighty commands us to be thankful, thankful for what? Thankful for the existence of war shields? Not all people have war shields during wars, so what should we be thankful for? For the idea of industry that did not exist before on earth and it did, and without it, presidents and kings would not have been preserved from assassination to this day.

They make for Him whatever He wishes of shrines, statues, basins like cisterns, and fixed cauldrons.


A recess in the wall of the qiblah of the mosque where the imam stands in prayer. It is a name and a place of worship for the Jews.


statues made of copper and other things... It seems that they are not forbidden in their religion.

Jafan: Jafna

A small well. In chemistry: It is a vessel usually made of Chinese porcelain, and is used for evaporation or heating materials. Like the answer: Very large vessels such as basins.


very large vessels such as basins

Steady pots

The pot: is fixed with legs that do not move from its place. It is made from the mountains in Yemen and one climbs to it with ladders. (Steady pots) The scholars said: Steady is fixed, and pots are the plural of qidr, which is what food is cooked in. They were only fixed because of their size, large and fixed to the ground, so because of their size no one can reach them or turn them over.

So: the industries of Dwwud- peace be upon him -

were, if the expression is correct, a fleet of huge industries and not just military armor. They were truly large factories that deserved to be the work of a king, and perhaps he supervised them himself and did not work with his own hands. No one knows.

Work, O family of Dwwud, in gratitude. But few of My servants are grateful.

As if Allah the Blessed and Exalted wants to teach us the type of gratitude that He loves. Gratitude is not words with the tongue: Praise be to Allah for such and such and that’s it. No, no. Rather, gratitude to Allah for what Allah wants is work with the hand, whatever your craft is, whether it is writing, design, blacksmithing, or something else. Mastering the craft and doing it yourself and not leaving it to others to reduce it or reduce its perfection is from the craft of kings, rather from the craft and approach of the prophets. And remember that few of Allah’s servants are grateful with this type of gratitude.

The owner of the hand

Allah says

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
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Be patient over what they say and remember Our servant Dwwud, the man of strength. Indeed, he was one who frequently turned back [to God] (17) Indeed, We subjected the mountains to him, to glorify Us in the evening and at dawn, And the birds are gathered together, each one returning to Him. And We strengthened his kingdom and gave him wisdom and sound judgment. [Surat Sad: 17]

The story of David - peace be upon him - and all the stories of the prophets - peace be upon them all - did not come in vain in the Qur’an, but came first as a consolation for the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - for what he encountered from the oppression of his people, the Quraysh, and as a lesson for Muslims who contemplate the Holy Qur’an and do not just read it.

Be patient over what they say and remember Our servant Dwwud, the man of strength. Indeed, he was one who frequently turned back [to God] (17)

O Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, be patient with what your people say, and remember our servant Dwwud, even though he was a king, even though he was a prophet, even though he had divine knowledge, even though he possessed wisdom, yet he was before God, the Blessed and Exalted, (a servant). So be patient - O Messenger - with what these liars say that does not please you, and remember our servant Dwwud, the one who had the strength to confront his enemies and patience in obeying God. He often returned to God in repentance and did what pleases Him.

(17) Indeed, We subjected the mountains to him, to glorify Us in the evening and at dawn.

So it is prescribed for the nation of Muhammad (peace be upon him) to glorify God and to say morning and evening supplications during these blessed hours of the day and night. It seems that this is a kind of cosmic harmony that we do not feel. Not only that, but contentment with life and contentment with Allah the Most High are linked to glorifying God during these blessed times. What is the evidence for that? The Most High says: “And glorify the praises of your Lord before the rising of the sun and before its setting, and during hours of the night and at the ends of the day that you may be satisfied.” (130)

And the birds are gathered together, each for Him one who frequently returns [to Him]

i.e. confined in the air, {each for Him one who frequently returns [to Him]} meaning: obedient, praising Him. Saeed bin Jubair and Qatadah said: {each for Him one who frequently returns [to Him]} meaning: obedient.

And We strengthened his kingdom and gave him wisdom and sparates of speech.

Fasl Al Khitab

Which separates between truth and falsehood.

That is: We strengthened the kingdom of Dwwud, through the large number of soldiers who followed him, and through the awe, victory, and strength that We granted him.. And We gave him wisdom, that is: prophecy, vast knowledge, righteous deeds, and separated speech. And the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and between right and wrong, and We enabled him to judge between people in a way accompanied by justice, and with firmness that is not tainted by hesitation or retreat.

And you,

do you have hands? That is, do you have any authority over your people or those under your control? Do you have military power - coercive power - or even leadership power, in what you use it? Do you have insight so that you do not take the rope with the arrow, or overthrow the right of the weak and empower the strong in his power and oppression, or the opposite? Is your speech separated between false and right, The Qur’an, often speaks about speech. Sometimes it tells you to say the Fasl word, sometimes it tells you to say the right word, and sometimes it tells you to say good words to people. Speech is one of the things that will make people fall on their faces on the Day of Resurrection. O God, grant us a vision of consideration, a thought of consideration, and a speech of goodness that we will spread among the people.

His death

The death of the servant David - peace be upon him. Now the royal titles are removed, the prophethood is removed, the clothes are removed, and everything is removed, and the work remains before the Truth, the Judge. Allah

the Almighty said

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

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So when We decreed death for him, nothing showed them his death except a creature of the earth that ate away at his staff. So when he fell, the jinn realized that if they had known the unseen, they would not have remained in the humiliating punishment. (14)

What was said about his death, peace be upon him

The scholars of biography and news reported that when God showed Adam his offspring, he asked him to add years to Dwwud’s lifespan after he knew that he would be taken at the age of sixty. God granted him forty years more and subtracted from Adam’s lifespan. Accordingly, Dwwud’s lifespan was one hundred years, which is the most common, while the People of the Book said that his lifespan was seventy-seven, He ruled his kingdom for forty years.

As for his death,

it was reported that he was very jealous of his family, as he would close the door behind him if he went out and would not open it except when he was present. One day, he returned to his house and saw a man, so he asked him about himself. He replied that he was the one who did not fear kings and was not prevented by a veil. He knew that he was the Angel of Death and welcomed him, and by the command of God, his soul was taken.

The Implication

1- It is said that whoever has a burning beginning will have a bright end, and this was clearly shown in the life of the loyal little soldier David after years of his young age.

2- It does not matter whether you pray a lot or worship a lot at the beginning of your relationship with Allah, the Most High, the most important thing is sincerity, the most important thing is not to show off with your work to those who see you and those who talk about your worship, we ask Allah for safety, after a little or a long time you will receive your worldly reward, it is not a condition that you be a king to be pleased with Allah, the Most High, but that He opens the paths of life for you, in accordance with His saying, the Most High (And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways) He started the path of striving one (striving the soul: sincerity, and ended with many paths with open doors)

3 - If you were in a position of responsibility such as a minister, ambassador, president, king or less than that: Your sound words are not a joke and are appreciated by the Lord of the Worlds, who separates between right and wrong, between oppressor and oppressed, between the opposites of life.

4 - Your craft is your identity, it is your reputation. Imam Muhammad al-Ghazali - may God have mercy on him - used to say: My face darkens when the work falls from under the hand of the infidel, perfect and excellent, and comes out from under the hand of the Muslim, weak and deformed

Dear reader: Pray with me: O God, benefit us with what you have taught us and increase our knowledge.


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