|A Self Taught Vastu Consultant from Mumbai, India, Practising since 1994. |Harvard Certified - Hinduism Through It’s Scriptures.|
If you are SINGLE and keep on saying "I DON'T TRUST MEN OR WOMEN!" remember your mates are getting married every saturday. Let me ask you, are they marrying spirits? Wise up!
If you are MARRIED and keep saying "I HATE THIS MARRIAGE!" OK! is it not married people like you that are celebrating Gold, Silver and even Platinum jubilee?
If you keep on ranting, ''I'M LEAVING MY MAN or my Girlfriend, please, go to town and see all the fine, cute, sexy, hot, hungry and desperate girls/men waiting to snatch your man/girl, they don't even mind sharing. Make it work, my friend!
Stop saying "I HATE MY JOB!" Look! 20million people are jobless and can't even find any not to talk of keeping it! Do you want to join them?
You keep saying "I HATE WHERE I LIVE!" Oh please! Try visiting those locations that are flooding now, people leaving in tin/zinc shacks in winter or people living/sleeping under the bridge at night and you will be grateful to God that you even have a place to stay!
Some say "I AM TIRED OF THIS LIFE!" Well, go to the hospital and see people fighting for their lives! Go to the mortuary and take a look then tell me what you feel after that!
My point is, be positive and believe in that's all that matters.
AS FAR AS THERE IS LIFE, THERE IS HOPE. JUST KEEP TRYING AND TRUSTING IN GOD EVERYTHING WILL BE ALL RIGHT. Appreciate what you have because there is someone somewhere dying to be where you are and have what you have.