Just How Close Is The Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
The hourglass keeps releasing just a small amount of sand before Christ's imminent return soon!

Just How Close Is The Second Coming of Jesus Christ?

"And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Rev. 22:12 "Surely I COME QUICKLY!" Rev. 22:20

The year 2020 has been a wake-up call for many people. With events of Biblical proportions which began a period of GREAT sorrows and tribulation! A global pandemic...Riots and social unrest in countless nations...Fractures in the global economy...And now Israel and Hamas at war. Everywhere you look, it seems as though the end is near. Is it? What does the Bible say? Are these the signs of the Second Coming? Are these events pointing to the soon return of Jesus Christ?

Fortunately, we don't have to guess. Jesus Himself told us how to recognize the general time-frame of His return. When the disciples said, "Tell us the signs of your coming and the end of the age" (Matthew 24:3), Jesus told them a number of things to look for. He then said, "When you see all these things, you can know my return is near. I'm right at the door" (Matthew 24:33). He also said, "When all these things begin to happen, look up for your salvation is near!" (Luke 21:28).

This means that the #1 indication Jesus will return soon is all the signs appearing together. Both Jesus and the apostles and the prophets told us what signs to look for, and that the appearance of just one is reason enough to take notice. But the arrival of one sign after another demands your attention. It's the sign Jesus said to look for. This convergence of signs is confirmation our generation will witness the Second Coming - not according to me, but according to Jesus.

The Convergence of Signs

So what are these signs? Jesus and the apostles and prophets pointed to dozens and dozens of signs. This article will only cite a few, but the reality of each one of these signs is undeniable. And their convergence should convince you the return of the Lord is close at hand. These signs include:

The TRUE Gospel Preached Throughout the World - When asked about the end of the age and the signs of His coming, Jesus said to look for a very specific sign. He said that the Gospel of the Kingdom of God will be preached throughout the entire world. Every nation will hear it (on radio and online now) and see it (on TV and online as well). And then? And then, the end will come (Matthew 24:14). For centuries after the crucifixion, the TRUE Gospel of the Kingdom of God was just confined to a small area surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.?

In the past two centuries, the TRUE and persecuted Church of God have brought the Gospel of the Kingdom of God through the various "Chuch eras and ages" to every nation in the world. Then in 1934 the late Herbert W. Armstrong began the preaching of this same Gospel of the Kingdom of God on Radio and later on via TV stations. Today, many TRUE churches of God are in every nation continuing this GREAT work of God. The Bible has been translated in hundreds of languages, and the message of the TRUE Gospel that Jesus Himself preached is sent around the world by radio, TV, satellite, and the Internet today specially by this HUMBLE Servant of God. This generation has been a REAL and TRUE witness of the HUGE spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every last person on earth.

An Increase in Travel and Knowledge - Six hundred years before Jesus was born, an angel gave Daniel a very special message. He said "travel and knowledge" will increase in the end times (Daniel 12:4). For centuries of human history, dramatic gains in travel and knowledge did NOT take place. Yet the last two hundred years have seen explosions in the speed and frequency of travel as well as the amount and availability of physical knowledge and advanced technology.

Arrival of the Extreme Heavenly Signs and Weather - Jesus said that a variety of global signs will come before His return and the end of the age. These signs will be spiritual, natural, societal, and political in nature. He said they will appear in a distinct way - "like birth pains" (Matthew 24:3‐8). This means the frequency and intensity of these signs will gradually increase as we near His return.

Our generation has seen the exponential increase in war and famine Jesus said to look for. In the 20th Century alone, more people died from war and famine than lived on the earth when Jesus spoke these words.

Israel Surrounded by Enemies - The Bible says enemies will surround Israel in the end times. Those same enemies will say "Come, let us wipe away the nation of Israel. Let's destroy the memory of its existence" (Psalm 83:4) and "Let us take for ourselves these pasturelands of God" (Psalm 83:12). Ezekiel said Israel's Arab and dangerous extremist terrorist neighbors will say "God has given their land to us" (Ezekiel 11:14‐17), and "Israel and Judah are ours. We will take possession of them now.

What do we care if their God is there?" (Ezekiel 35:10). Ever since the Zionists creation and establishment of the so called: "State of Israel" in 1948, the daily headlines have included these Bible verses. Israel's Muslim neighbors claim the land of Israel for themselves, and they have no regard for the God of Israel.

Israel's Exceedingly Great Army - Ezekiel said, that in the end times, Israel will field "an exceedingly great army" (Ezekiel 37:10). Zechariah said Israel will be like a fire among sheaves of grain, burning up the neighboring nations (like they are doing and have demonstrated recently TODAY!) (Zechariah 12:6) and even the weakest Israeli soldier will be like David (Zechariah 12:8). Since 1948, Israel has fought no less than four conventional wars against its neighbors. Despite being outnumbered more than 50 to 1, Israel has achieved overwhelming victory every time. TODAY the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are highly recognized as the most formidable and greatest armed forces of the world. Just think about it! Just ONE "Special Forces" Israeli soldier is stronger, tougher and better "well trained" than THREE american "special forces" soldiers like Marines, the Green Berets or Navy Seals.

Rise of the Gog of Magog Alliance - The Bible says that a military alliance that includes Russia, Iran, Turkey, and a number of Muslim nations will attack Israel "in the latter days" (Ezekiel 38:8) when God brings His people home from among the enemy nations (Ezekiel 39:27). Today, we can see those very nations coming together for the first time in the BRIC - an alliance that has never existed in world history.

Rise of a United Europe - The Bible says a revived Holy Roman Empire will come to power in the end times (Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 17). According to the book of Daniel, it will be a ten "Monarchy" nation alliance of weak and strong ROYAL nations. Some parts will be as strong as iron, while other parts will be as weak as clay (Daniel 2:42). We see the beginning of this alliance in the European Union - a coalition of weak and strong nations struggling to stay together.

The Rise of Global Government - The Bible says that a single world government: "The New World Order" will rule the world politically via the UN (Revelation 13:7), and religiously via the Vatican and the Pope (Revelation 13:8), and economically via Masonic and Iluminatti Corporations (Revelation 13:16‐17) in the last days. It will rule over "all people, tribes, and languages" on the face of the earth via most Secret Orders and Secret Societies like the Freemasons and the Jesuits and the "Knights of Malta" (Revelation 13:7). Its authority will be so complete no one will be able to buy or sell anything without its permission (Revelation 13:16‐17). For centuries, a true global government was impossible. Today, world leaders openly discuss it.

Denial of the Signs - Almost two thousand years ago, Peter issued a warning. He said in the last days people will mock the idea of Jesus returning. They will make fun of those who believe in the Second Coming and say exactly what we see and hear today - things like, "There is no such thing as a SECRET Agenda!" "I thought Jesus was coming back in 2023? What happened to His promise? And things like: "Generation after generation has said He's coming back. Yet, since the beginning of the world, everything has remained the same!" (2 Peter 3:3‐4).

The Hour is Late

Keep in mind, these signs haven't always been present. Generations of Christians lived and died without witnessing any of these signs. For centuries of Christian history, none of these signs were present. Today, they all are in an AMAZING and INCREDIBLE increment of such prophetic events taking place worldwide.

Jesus said when you see these signs, you can know His return is near. He's right at the door (Matthew 24:33). In fact, Jesus said the generation witnessing these signs will not pass away before He returns (Matthew 24:34). So despite ALL of the mockers, scoffers, the skeptics and naysayers, Jesus is coming, and ours is really the generation that will witness His return. The convergence of all these signs confirm it.?

How many generations of Christians longed to see what we see NOW? Yet, even now there's a strange silence in the church ocmmunity. Why? The appearance of all these signs after centuries of waiting should motivate every Christian on earth to make the most of what time we have left.

Jesus commanded us to "watch" for these signs (Matthew 24:42). He scolded the Pharisees and the religious leaders of His day when they failed to recognize the signs of His first coming (Matthew 16:3). Will He do any different for those who fail to recognize the signs of His second coming? Jesus clearly warned us not to be caught sleeping when He returns (Mark 13:36).?

If you're a TRUE Christian like I AM, God expects you to point out these signs to others and warn them the end is near. If the world ignores you, so be it. But if you like me recognize the signs of the times and don't tell others about them, you're no different than a watchman who sees an invading army and doesn't sound the alarm. If you fail in your role as watchman like I AM, God will hold you accountable for all those who perish (Ezekiel 33:1-6).

Have no doubt. The signs of His return are all around us. Jesus is coming. FOR REAL! If you've been waiting to share the Gospel (The GOOD NEWS) about His soon RETURN with someone, don't wait one minute more. You may not have another opportunity. The hour is late. The signs are present. Now is the season of His return.?

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase" - Martin Luther King Jr. ?? It's inspiring to see someone sharing their perspectives with such passion! Keep enlightening others with your insights. ???


Such an inspiring read! ?? Remember, Gandhi once said, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Let's keep spreading positivity and love as we eagerly await this significant moment. ???



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