Just Be Happy
It Does Not Cost Anything To Be Happy

Just Be Happy

Introduction - " Happiness is an emotion which can be felt by just a thought visualization." Pushkraj Deshpande.

What makes you happy? This question can really make you thing deep right. It can be from nothing to everything. Sometimes you want everything and sometimes you don't want anything. The thin line between nothing and everything is happiness.

What I do to be happy is very simple :-

  1. Acceptance - Accept that this has happened to you and embrace the same with open arms. Just accept it and move forward. Don't keep it in the system for a long time. Whether it's success or failure. Just move on.
  2. Observation Loop - No matter what happens in life, keep your observation window open 24/7. Keep noting down everything. Have the diary ready filled with your notes. Read them to have a clear recap of thoughts. Observe everything that has happened with you during your ups and downs in life. That's your treasure.
  3. Intentions - This loop is very important. Keep your intent pure. Everything depends on intentions. Trust me if you sort out this loop, everything is possible and will be in your reach. Keep your intentions pure like a baby. We all know what is right and what is not ethical. Choose the right path.

Conclusion - "At the end of the day, you will be assessed by life on every step that you have taken. Results don't matter, efforts do"

Thank-you for investing your time and energy to read my thoughts. I wish you a good day ahead.


Pushkraj Deshpande


