Just Go Ahead and Do It...

Just Go Ahead and Do It...

What are you waiting for? 

Have you been thinking about getting that graduate degree?

Are you considering opening your own business?

Did you spend 4 years at university and now have decided that you don't want to do “this” for the rest of your life? 

Do you have an idea about a product or a service that only you see the path to success?

If you are considering doing something "big" and are waiting for external inspiration, you probably should not do it.

But if you do feel the “burn” to do it, read on.

There are a few considerations if you are going to commit to something and expect massive results. Please notice the use of the word massive.

There are a few times in our lives that we feel compelled to do something that we would choose over everything else in our lives in order to accomplish. Your actions need to be near fanatical and your need for success needs to be visceral. It cannot be just a whim. 

But if all you do is think about it, read about it, write about it and talk about it…."IT" never happens.

You need to move on it. Do something about it. Even if the initial steps are not the perfect ones. Rarely, if at all, each step is perfectly placed and timed.

It starts with a feeling in your heart and then connects to a thought in your head. 

You will need that internal fire to light the darkest moments that come in the pursuit of greatness.

Be careful. This is where it gets tricky. 

Humans make decisions emotionally and justify them logically. 

It is true. Go ahead and audit any major decision you have ever made. 

The tricky part is that your heart will drive your passion and your brain will drive your fear. Fear does not exist in the heart. Fear exists in the brain. 

Passion, love and desire all exist in the heart. The fuel that drives you during your darkest moments is in the heart. The brain will serve up the rationale as to why something won't work. The enemy of greatness is rationalized fear.

You Already Have What You Need

One of the other biggest enemies of getting shit done is the professional pursuit of “self improvement”. Don't get me wrong, we all need to be introspective and continue to be the absolute best version of ourselves we can become. However, that comes from doing, experiencing and having outcomes from “doing shit” and then adjusting….and never giving up.

It does not come from proudly displaying the 147th self help book you have read or the guru of the month club certificate on your wall or the weekly kumbaya hand holding local networking group meeting that is usually a festival of “I am gonna’s” in some coffee shop.

Successful people leave clues….all over the place. Look for the crumbs that resonate with you, put them into your game and then go do your stuff.

One of the other biggest enemies of getting shit done is the professional pursuit of “self improvement”.

If you are in constant search of inspiration for your so-called goals and conquests…..you are not likely going to achieve what it is you are attempting to build or create. If you require ongoing external inspiration it is very likely that there is no true fire within. 

You will need that internal fire to light the darkest moments that come in the pursuit of greatness.

Pace & Endurance

Outwork everyone. Don't look back to see who you are beating. Set a pace for yourself that is nearly impossible for your competition to match. Don’t worry if they match you in your work pace. There is the truth that tucks right along side of “pace” and it is its bigger, stronger brother. Its name is endurance. 

You might hang with me for 6 months, maybe 3 years, maybe 5 years….but not 27 years. Elect the same mantra. Don't look to either side, don't look back. Set a pace and commit to the long game. 

When your competition points their fingers at you and judges you, take it as their fear.

When your competition starts to emulate you, take it as a compliment.

When they join your game and step on the track, high-five them. Then put the gas pedal down a bit more. If you are playing your game, you can go long, hard and true. If they are trying to play YOUR game, they will not last. Trust me on that.

Always fight your fight.

Whatever you have been meaning to do. 

Go kick ass and take names.


