Just five words!

Just five words!

Five words that define who you are and what you bring to the table.

Just did a fabulous interview with Vagisha Arora who lives in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India today about hashtag#womeninbusiness, hashtag#creatingabrand , hashtag#networking, hashtag#breakingthroughtheglassceiling hashtag#publicspeaking hashtag#howtoinspireothers hashtag#reinventingyourself

Having worked in hashtag#broadcasting, , hashtag#performance and hashtag#business since 1980 I cannot state how important it is to develop a life-lasting profile that encompass who you are and what you can deliver.

I have worked in so many capacities since that time, as a Project Manager on numerous projects including an innovative project on #AbbaGwaun in West Wales, as a Press Officer for the BBC, Director of Theatr in Education, Equality expert for the Welsh Senedd Government, countless podcast appearances, programme ideas commissioned by S4C (Wales's Welsh medium Broadcasting Channel) and transformation coaching sessions in Leadership and Public Speaking so what I deliver is quite eclectic and quite difficult to pin down.

You may be the same, and if so, here's a suggestion, focus on five powerful words that sell you to the world. These words need to stand the test of time, from the outset of your career, to where I am now at the age of sixty seven embarking on the next new challenge - having a go at stand-up comedy!

This is something I have wanted to do since I was a teenager and messed about in class as the class joker. I didn't have the confidence to do it then but if I don't do it now - when am I going to do it? I have actually written a book about women in comedy, and met some incredible Role Models including the legendary #JoanRivers and #AmySchumer so I got lots of tips from women at the top of their careers.

So far I have done one amazing comedy course in London - a year ago, which has led me to recently do my ninth 5 minute slot (that's the entry level for anyone who fancies giving this extremely difficult environment a pop!), including four in London. I may never ever get to be any good at it but it is challenging, fun, gets me out of the house of an evening and makes me feel alive. It also feeds into all my other working experiences and encompasses the five words that define everything I do

My five words, which have stood the test of time, would be:

D - Determination

R - Resilience

I - Innovation

V - Vision

E - Energy

These elements were very obvious in me when I was a teenager and are the ones I bring to anything and everything that I do in life. Well fancy that - they also make up the word 'Drive'.

We are on this world for just a very short time so whatever you do and wherever you end up going make sure that it's you that 'drives' the car and that you are 'driving' forward in the right direction for your life and that you are always going in a forward direction and not backwards.

So find your five words that align with your values and you will also find your purpose in life because if any of the projects you are involved with do not align with your five words and doesn't require you to put all elements into action - then it probably isn't right for you.

Whist I'm at it here are some of my favourite sayings:

  • Find your passion, make it your profession and you'll never work another day.
  • If it's to be - it's up to me. Be your own saviour!
  • When you fall off the horse - get back on it as quickly as you possibly can before it gallops off into the dust!
  • Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.
  • Be yourself at any cost - any other way you're lost.

And if you have been inspired by what I do in my own life and you'd like to either find your five word mantra and live life to your full potential then do get in touch. I work worldwide by zoom and have developed a method during covid which guarantees to transform your public speaking capabilities. Get in touch for a complimentary chat and have a little rummage here to see some of the things I am involved in. https://linktr.ee/gwennodafydd


Gwenno Dafydd. M.Sc.Econ. Master Public Speaking Coach的更多文章

