Just do what you want, dude.

Just do what you want, dude.

We're so conditioned by the world around us about what we "should" be doing and who we "should" become. Honestly, it's draining, right? This constant anxiety of living up to a million different expectations that aren't even our own.

I've been stuck in that loop for a while, and I see everyone around me in the same place. From my best friend saving money to buy an expensive car he can't maintain to impress girls, to my partner trying to live up to her mother's standards that get more unattainable daily, and my brother being too hard on himself to still be figuring life out (when it's totally ok).

We gotta start creating our own "should's", based on what we genuinely want to do and who we truly wish to become. Not based on your parents' wants, on how your friends will perceive us, or if that girl at work will be impressed by whatever it is you do.

To live the life you desire, you have to cut the cord on the lives others expect you to live. It's about taking control and saying, "Hey, this is my life, and I'll live it my way." And believe me, it's not as easy as it sounds. It's a decision, a bold one, to just be... for you.

And why not? Why shouldn't we live by our rules, march to the beat of our own drum? After all, it's our journey, isn't it? So, just do what you want, dude. Follow your bliss and see where it takes you. I guarantee it's worth it.


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