Just Do It
Sheila R Carroll
Financial Litigation and Regulatory Paralegal at Cosgrove Law Group, LLC | A Comprehensive Advocacy Law Firm
"Oh, I would love to do that" is the reaction I almost always get when I tell people I ride. My response is always "Do it!" There is something about connecting with a 1,300 pound animal that puts life in perspective. When you are riding or working with a horse, your focus is set. It is challenging and calming all at once. Do it.
I don't own a horse, I lease. The opportunities for lessons and leasing are there for the taking if you look. It may be a longer drive than you think you can handle, but that drive will quickly turn into a reset button by which your mind will begin to unwind. Do it.
Horses are in my blood and have always been a love of mine, but for years I did not ride. I did not think it was something that would fit into my life as I made my way through school and a career. Approximately 5 years ago, I went on vacation and took a 2-hour trail ride. My heart was set and I found a barn and a trainer within a week of returning home. (And yes, you should work with a trainer if you want to stick with it!) The barn has become my oasis. I give this part of my life 3-6 hours a week every weekend that I am able and my return on investment is priceless. Do it.
My cell phone stays in my car, my mind stays with the horse and my goals for myself as a rider. I ride a few different horses (from a small quarter horse named Bella to a Clydesdale named Cadillac) as they each have their own style. I learn and re-learn how stubborn and gentle these animals can be. Horses have a way of giving you confidence and humbling you all at once. I leave the barn with horse hair and dust on my clothes and a clear mind. Do it.
The barn where I ride has riders from elementary to senior. Age really is no object. Horses could care less about your age. When you are at the barn, you learn to care about what they are so good at--Being present. Do it.
[All photos are the property of Sheila Carroll. Please seek permission before re-posting.]