We drove by to watch the Chess competition, the first any of us will attend. He had just started learning the game so we thought the exposure would be good. On arrival he begs to join the competition. How? I just thought of the story of David and Goliath when Saul told David that Goliath had been a soldier all his life and David was just a boy. With low expectations, we allowed him join. Our expectations were low and rightly so. He was obviously a small fry battling with bigger boys that had honed their skills over the years or so we thought.
Before the games commenced, he came to me and said, ‘daddy should I win or try?’ Oh my!! I thought it will make the defeat harder to bear. I said. ‘just enjoy yourself dear’.
Well, 6 games down, he lost one. drew two and won three. Overall fifth best in the competition and to think he just started playing a few months now here he was winning champs from across the country. Someone once said courage is grace under pressure-so true.
ALL HAIL KING JAYDEN#SuperJayden#RaisingAGodlySeed#Champions#BelieveInYourself#You Can#