Not Just Clean, ‘Monica Clean’ - Tips to keep your environment clean and organized
Aneesha Syed
Passionate Digital Marketing Enthusiast | Seeking Dynamic Digital Marketing Internship Opportunities
This blogpost helps you with the tips to keep your place clean and organized. I hope you'll find this blog useful :)
“Look around for something that bothers you and see if you can fix it”.
-Jordan Peterson
Do you know, your environment has a major effect on your mindset? You might think it's not true, but it is. Jordan Peterson, Clinical Psychologist says that the first step in psychotherapy is to organize your room.
In this article I am going to tell you how to stay organized and keep your place “Monica Clean” without taking much time exclusively for cleaning.?
Ps: This is day 6 of 30 days writing challenge. The challenge is to write 500 words every day for 30 days. If you like to join me in this challenge. Send your article to the email address: [email protected]. Would love to share your article here.?
Of course, cleaning can consume some time, but ironically taking time to clean and organize saves you a considerable amount of time.?
There are many ways to take time for cleaning. You can use the weekend to clean up stuff and reorganize. You can take time in the late evening. But the clever way to keep things clean is making cleanliness a habit. That way, cleaning doesn’t seem like a job to do. You just do it.?
There are two parts to think of when it comes to cleanliness:
Do not make mess
Well, the first one is all about putting things back at its place. Always put things back at its place once you are done with it. You take a book, you are reading for some time, put it back in its place after you are done reading. Basically, let things be at its default position when it's not in use.?
When you finish your work, keep all your work things back to its place, so that when you start working the next time, it’s all ready and clean.?
Stay organized. Being organized helps you to not make a mess.?
Label all the things. Label the boxes in your kitchen. Not only them, but there are also
a lot of things which might need labeling in your home. Put labels wherever necessary.
You know exactly where everything is, that way you do not waste time when you are looking for something.
This is the way to make keeping clean a habit.?
Tidy up
Whenever you feel overwhelmed, try decluttering. Declutter all the stuff that you don’t necessarily use. Sentiments can play its game here. We might keep something, just because we don’t have the heart to give it up. If it happens to you, try to start with decluttering your fridge. There might be some things stored for a long time in your fridge, you can start cleaning it up first. Take one step at a time.
Have a random clutter section. Remember Monica had a secret closet where she stores her messy things. Let's be honest. We all too have things that we are not sure of where to keep or should we have it or give it away. Those random items can have its own section like Monica's secret closet.
Daily cleaning:
Every day, set aside some time, say 15 minutes to clean. Everyday cleaning in the evening helps in decluttering your mind after a long day and also to wake in a clean place the next day.?
Set an alarm for everyday at the time when you will clean. It is to remind yourself “It's cleaning time”. Set a timer of 10 to 15 minutes. Start your cleaning. And once the timer goes off, you immediately can stop cleaning. Do this every day and you will see your home being clean every day. Also, this little activity helps you keep your home “Monica Clean”.?
This helps avoid taking a whole weekend to clean things. You can use your weekends to do things you love.?
Remember, you need to take care of your immediate environment to take care of bigger challenges.?
Stay organized. Declutter your stuff. Take control of your life.?