“Just Can’t Quit Cannabis”

“Just Can’t Quit Cannabis”

Dateline: 8-23-24

It’s easy to enjoy some Indonesian Organic Coffee and a couple squares of Tennessee homegrown Chocolate liberally laced with Tennessee homegrown Cannabis Extract on a beautiful Fall-like morning. Not to worry, the Summer conditions will return by the weekend to let us know we still have to live with the threat of oppressive heat for a few more weeks. The idea for today’s Cannabis stream of consciousness comes courtesy of several phone calls with some veteran Cannabis professionals this week. On some of the calls, The Old Hemp Farmer has known these Cannabis folks for a bunch of Sundays, so there was no pretensions of how they are “killing it”. Our Cannabis conversations got very real, very quickly. I hadn’t “chewed the fat” with some of these folks in several months, so it was great to catch up with them. One thing that these Cannabis business owners shared in common, was that all of them had at one time in the past, they made some very good money. Then things beyond their control started to manifest themselves, things like greatly increased competition, regulations and taxes and soon the margins got tighter and the cash flow started to wain. Yet these Cannabis professionals are still staying in the business because they actually like growing and making things from Cannabis, even though the excitement and revenue has ebbed, they love being around the plant. None of these Cannabis professionals are making any good money and some are barely able to stay in the Cannabis business, yet they persist. Trust me, yours truly can relate to staying in Cannabis for less money and three times more paperwork. Seriously, right now, if anything can stop you from getting into Cannabis, let it, because right now it’s not the time for romantics or dreamers, no, Cannabis is in a very harsh time with about 70% of Cannabis businesses losing money. Which means there are very smart Cannabis folks with great work ethic that are getting their asses kicked. Yet, they are hanging with Cannabis businesses they started, that’s got to be love.

The other conversations last week with other Cannabis professionals, were of another bent, these Cannabis professionals aren’t so much enthralled by growing or making things with the Cannabis plant as they are the hustle of putting a Cannabis deal together. I have watched over the years, Cannabis folks (that I’m quite fond of) string together enough eager people with just enough financial backing to start a Cannabis endeavor only to see the Cannabis enterprise fold or the business part doesn’t turn out the way they thought it would, so they move on to “greener” pastures. With these folks the passion is more for the excitement of the deal and not so much for the Cannabis plant itself. It’s like “Where’s Waldo”, where you get out your global map so you can follow these Cannabis professionals. In the past, it was from one “Rec” state to the next “Rec” state to legalize and now increasingly from country to country. In the first few years of International Cannabis hustling, the lure was to go some African or South American country where you could get cheap labor and do a deal with the local authorities, so you could export tonnes of Mid-grade (at best) Cannabis to Europe. Well it turned out, that the Europeans weren’t that much into lower grade Cannabis and it turned out that Europe was capable of growing great weed. As the whole Cannabis Colonial thing started to sour, countries in Europe started legalizing Cannabis and soon these same folks set sail for Europe. One has to have some admiration for these Cannabis “Travelers” because although some of these folks are straight hustlers, a lot of these people genuinely believe that the next Cannabis deal is going to be one they always dreamed about and this time it will work. So even though these folks don’t roll like we do at Tennessee homegrown, we do share something in common, seemingly, we just can’t quit Cannabis. Anyway as always, Hemp Dawgs and Hemp Puppies keep one eye on the weather and the other eye on the market.

Visit Tennessee homegrown web site to try our great products: https://www.tnhomegrown.com

The Old Hemp Farmer's Wife web site: https://www.theoldhempfarmerswife.com

Our Podcast - Full Contact Cannabis: https://fullcontactcannabis.podbean.com

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