Just a Cakewalk?
Andreas Schliep
Product Owner @ DasScrumTeam AG | Certified Scrum Trainer - I train Scrum Coaches and coach Scrum Trainers.
A conference called "Play4Agile" might be associated with a merry purposeless leisure activity. Especially when it takes place on a weekend! So what would a pro, who is seriously interested in agile practices, do on such a playing ground? Quite a lot!
The Play4Agile offers a broad range of different formats and approaches. The most important areas from my point of view are the following:
Learn from Playing - Agile Games
Agile Games can be especially designed games for agile teams, ice breakers, group activities or modified versions of standard games. The game can work as a stand-alone activity or framed with a special preparation or debriefing. Some examples are the good old ball point factory, but also adapted versions of card or board games. Collaborative games are preferably used; or some game mechanics are changed to support collaboration between players.
Learn by Playing - Simulations
Simulations allow a deep dive into various concepts and aspects of a topic. The Play4Agile focuses on simulations for agile product development like Birdie Birdie, sprints, problem solving and such. Several classical simulations can be modified to support agile leadership, product management or team work experiences. A great example is the NASA Survival simulation.
Playful Work - Gamification
Work should spread joy. An important joy agent is the gamification of several aspects of work. Planning Poker is a gamification of conversations about design and effort, for instance. eXtreme Programming called their planning session "Planning Game". At the Play4Agile, we would not only explore new concepts of gamification but also highlight some difficulties and drawbacks of "over-gamification".
Intellectual Games - Concepts and Experiments
The Play4Agile would not be what it is without the conversations, thought experiments, perspective changes, disputes, dialogues and unusual sessions. Using Clear Communication to invent a positive monster for inclusion? Talking about the end of fun? The Play4Agile offers a broad range of topics and methods.
Playful Music - Creating Harmony
Whether more or less harmonic noise making at night or the exploration of musical improvisation and facilitation parallels; the Play4Agile offers a forum for voices -- and instruments. The occasional special harmony and the energy released through group music making is my special source of power. And self-care is an important topic at this event!
Playing Ground - The Setup and More
Effective Collaboration requires supportive structures. The setup -- the location and the organisation -- plays an important part for the success of the Play4Agile. The environment invites to casual walking, the catering is fantastic and the organisers go out of their way to provide the best possible work and play environment.
The Play4Agile has become one of my favourite conferences. Since I have become more serious about playing, I can bring value to this event -- and gain value for myself.
This is one of the reasons why DasScrumTeam has been supporting the Play4Agile as sponsors and participants for years.