Just Breathe to Just Be
Marcus Dupuis
An International Real Estate Advisor, helping you find Your place in the World, LifeStyle Coach & Author of "I Breathe Therefore I AM"!!
It is more difficult to Just BE, when the energies of the day are still running through your body and mind. Challenging encounters, arguments, accidents (big or small), mistakes, wrong turns and harsh words are all traveling around the body and mind.?
There needs to be a moment of reset, a clearing of the slate, some sort of re-start, which is actually happening every millisecond of your life; but in a tangible way, so that your mind has a chance to face the ongoing development of your day, your scenario and your life.
To Just BE, we begin with Just Breathe. Breath is the original mantra.
It is our body and minds’ regulator, it is a frame of reference, it is Home. We all feel better and more confident at home. Home is where you can be yourself, leaving the pressures and expectations of the outside world, outside.
If home is not like that for YOU, then, change needs to happen.
Big life changes are not easy, but in the end, they are the right thing to do. The first and most important thing to have is a sacred space we can call our own, the sacred space that we call Home. Home is where the heart is, and that is not as simple as it sounds. In order for your heart to ‘Just Be’, there are many factors to consider.
Those factors get considered when you are just breathing. This is also a gateway to meditation, where we open ourselves up to our sub-conscious self.
The breathing exercise is only a preparation for the meditation. Once we are in a meditation, we become the observer. We observe what comes up from the deep well of our sub-conscious. The clues will be plentiful. The beginning of becoming more aware can be disconcerting and sometimes even alarming, but like all worthwhile processes, there is always some hard work to be done.
It all starts with a deep breath. Get the book,?https://www.relaxationone.com
Breathe Deep My Friend,?
Marcus Dupuis