Just Breathe.
For the last 6+ weeks, I've been dealing with a herniated disk. For those who have experienced it, you understand the pain - constantly ranging from barely manageable to crippling. So, you can imagine how I may have reacted when my younger brother, Drew, sent me a text advising me to "just breathe."?
In the midst of the pain, all I really wanted to do at that moment was scream at the top of my lungs and cut off my right leg (where the sciatica pain was radiating). Breathing was the last thing on my mind (I can do that without thinking). But now, as I consider the advice with a slightly?clearer head, he couldn't have been more?spot on. (I should also note that his follow up text told me to breathe in for 7 seconds, hold it for 2, release for 7 more and then repeat. In short, long slow deep breaths.)
The breathing brought me a sense of calm which not only caused the pain to decrease but also help me cope with it. So, the next time someone tells you to "take a breath”, "just breathe," "calm down" or something to that tune, consider heeding the advice. Here's what I learned:
So, Drew was right. (I wrote that just for him as I don't say it every often).????By heeding his advice, I've not only been able to better cope with the pain, but I was also able to see my daughter graduate high school this weekend (as of the night before, I didn't think I was going to be able to. Congrats, Julia!)
The advice can be difficult to hear, as it often comes?when you just want relief (not advice). So consider heeding it now in advance of a situation that requires it. You and those around you will be thankful for it.?
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