Just For A Better User Experience...
Another frustrating moment spent on one of our government site. (.gov.in)
Visited https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/eaadhaar to download eaadhar. First of all, the site was slow. Probably, my timing was wrong. After few frustrating minutes, the page loaded.
After filling the aadhaar number and the surprisingly easy Captcha code, the option to submit OTP number came. In an instant new message ring sound came from the mobile. How fast and efficient! However, the happiness was short-lived. I found that there was no space to submit the OTP code. What the hell! I searched up, down, side, around to find a space. Neither the page took me to another page. I was struck with a OPT code which will become invalid in some time. I lost it!
There goes minutes and seconds of an average Indian citizen in one of the scores of Indian government sites made for the people, by the people!
Before I complain, let me share few good things about the page:
1. The page had sufficient white space for user to understand and take action
2. Action points are given in bold. (Practical and helpful)
3. Captcha code is simple. Unlike the one used in irctc site. I’m not sure how many of you have experienced the agony and plight while booking Tatkal ticket.
From eaadhaar story to Tatkal Site
Let me share few points about irctc app which was one of the frequently used App on my mobile. Well, it was before Covid came and life went off the rails.
Story of captca code on irctc app ( Before Covid ( B C)
As a frequent tatkal booking person, I share the agony and tension of booking tatkal train tickets using irctc app. Out of the many tension, such as seat availability, net connection or call interruptions, getting the captcha code on irctc site was one of the main hurdle.
The captcha words which appear during login time is designed like a cryptic clue. Wonder if it’s written for people with special talent to decipher the faint, half eaten letters. It usually takes three to four attempts before we get to enter the site. With time ticking out, heartbeat on rise, there are chances of fat-finger error.
Around this time, some CRAZY ads will start showing up on the six inch screen. And, god forbid if you click on any of this flickering ads, you can just forget about the ticket and the journey.
Lovely little ads that pop up on Irctc App!
I tried to figure out using all my senses as to why these irrelevant ads was placed on tatkal booking app. Only reason I could find was that it’s some bright idea coming from a sarkari babu. I guess, the reason could be to monetize the adv impression or clicks. And, my fair guess is that they must have made a ton of money just from the clicks or impression.
I even thought of filing a RTI to know how much they are earning from such ads. Well I don’t think they will reveal the right figures. What’s behind the screen will be like a smoke screen.
Back to this eaadhar page!
Apart from the slow loading ( probably a temp issue with the server), the main suggestion is about the two videos displayed below the OPT button. This page has a specific purpose and this video was distracting. Instead of placing it below the OTP button, it can be moved to the right side panel of the page.
We users are there for a purpose and no one with a sane mind will click a video while on the process of downloading eaadhaar. What do you say?
After an hour, I logged in and filled the required specs. This time, server down. Finally, on my last attempt I got the aadhar.
Another suggestion is about the survey on the next page. It’s the page users are sent after submitting the OTP. At first, I skipped the survey thinking it was not related. Then it prompted me to complete the survey and click the final button.
Here I felt the survey was unnecessary. The two questions were very generic and I wonder if they can gather any meaningful insight from users. I don't remember what option I had clicked. It was not relevant for me.
What would you say? Do you need any of these distracting elements which has no purpose with the action required on this page?
This note is a suggestion to the web development or management team of these sites in questions. I hope they get the point I’m trying to convey. Less clutter, more peace!
Cheers to All!