There's a HUGE difference between being busy and being productive. Productivity is essential for several reasons, and it plays a significant role in both personal and professional aspects of life. Becoming more productive while dealing with personal issues and societal pressures can be challenging, but it's certainly possible with the right strategies and mindset.
I struggled with staying focused on essential tasks and found myself venturing off to do other things or scrolling on my phone. I realized that this was ultimately damaging to me and it had a significant impact on my workflow. Tasks that were supposed to take a short amount of time, took me days or weeks to complete.
When you're an entrepreneur, time is the most valuable asset, that's one of many reasons many of us choose this route. We want flexibility and to control our time, we don't want to feel like we're obligated to show up to a specific location. Over the years, I've worked with many clients, and productivity or time management seems to be something we struggle with across the board as humans. If you are struggling with productivity, here are a few tips that will help you with that.
- Set Clear Goals: When we think about our goals, we often think about the end goal, not the road that will lead us there. We've seen others achieve it, so we're so excited to get there that we forget about the journey of reaching this space. Have your vision in mind, but pair it with the steps required to get there. I like to use the analogy of playing baseball. The goal that we set is like crossing home plate in baseball, but we must hit first, second, and third base first. I say that to say, focus on what's in front of you and ask yourself how can you get one step closer. There's no need to hit a home run every single time. Focus on getting a step closer. I go more in-depth about this on this YouTube video if you'd like to check it out.
- Remove Distractions: It's easy to become distracted in today's society, especially with having access to the world in our palms. It takes a lot of self-control to keep our mind on a set goal and not be deterred from it. Possessing this self-control is a task in itself. Once we learn how to identify and remove distractions, we take back control of our day and life.
- Prioritization: When we look at our to-do lists, some tasks are more important than others. This is why I feel that categorizing my tasks helped me get more done. I'm an early riser, this is when I have the most energy and I feel that I'm more efficient during the early hours as well. Whether you're like me or you're more of a night owl. I recommend knocking out your most tough tasks doing the time you have the most energy and you feel you're more effective. I'm not here to convince you to wake up early and start your day. Do what works best for your lifestyle and your preferences. I'm here to emphasize you knocking out your most challenging tasks during these times. Categorize the things you have to do and attack them, get them knocked out by any means.
- The Power Of NO: For some of us, we may find ourselves helping others out because we have a good heart, feel sympathetic, or a number of reasons we feel drawn to assist someone in need. In the process, we push ourselves off track then there's no one there to help us. I want to encourage you to flex your power of saying, NO! There will be times that you can't do something and those that understand will respect it. Anyone who feels offended by you saying no is a selfish individual who has been taking advantage of you and doesn't care about your well-being. When you say No, you are now able to take your time back and do what's going to help you excel. Remember this tip, if you never say no, your yes has no value.
Remember that productivity is not about being busy all the time but about being effective and efficient in achieving your goals. Be kind to yourself, practice self-compassion, and take one step at a time. Balancing personal issues and societal pressures is a continuous process, and it's important to prioritize your well-being as you strive for productivity. You got this!