Just Because You Land on Your Ass Doesn't Mean It Was a Bad Landing
Skydive Golden Gate, Novato California

Just Because You Land on Your Ass Doesn't Mean It Was a Bad Landing

Lesson #6 - From Falling Out of an Airplane

Adam said, “when we land, lift your legs up as high as you can.” I thought he was going to land on his feet and then I would set my legs down. No! We both did a 4 point landing, both cheeks of each of our asses. A perfect landing. Smooth, easy and fun. Well planned and executed. It was not what I expected.

The way we end up is often different than the way we expect to end or even plan to end. Life happens and we often end better than we would have if it was as we planned.

Have you planned to be successful at something and then failed? Failure isn't the end. It is a lesson we can learn from. Failure gives you experience and knowledge for the next venture. You can start anew with more information.

Sometimes while on our journey, our path may be blocked or we may realize there is another way to get to the destination. Taking a different path is an opportunity to see and learn new experiences. If your destination becomes unreachable, it doesn't mean it is the end of your journey, just a new one.

I've landed on my ass more than once in my life. I've lost positions that I worked hard for. I lost a business and home and went bankrupt in the mortgage crash. I went through a divorce. It isn't the way I planned any of those journeys to end. I learned a lot from landing differently than I planned. It isn't the end of the journeys in my life.

If you've landed on your ass, shake off the grass and keep going. Start again with greater knowledge and experience. Pick up your feet and start again.


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