Just because it isn't done doesn't mean it shouldn't be.
Brilliantly spoken, I grabbed this quote as soon as I heard it.
"Just because it's done doesn't mean it should be done."
I love it And its opposite as well.
"Just because it ISN'T done, doesn't mean it shouldn't be."
I'll leave you to decipher the first one however you'd like. But it's the second one I'd like to focus on.
Because how often do we limit ourselves in what's possible for us to create and what actions would move us forward, simply because "it isn't done"? Or because we don't know if it's normal or not?
I was just speaking to a woman last week who wanted me to help her offer her services to people. And I said, "Why can't you just reach out to those you think could use it and offer it to them?"
And she responded, "Do people do that?"
To which I said, "Does it MATTER?"
Does it matter if "people" do that? Does it matter if they DON'T? Does that mean YOU can't?
You know, some people might call themselves "introverts" or not a "people-person". If you carry that label, would you not offer an extra water bottle in your bag to someone you come across who is dying of thirst?
Would you feel like "people don't offer water to random people"?
I don't know if they do or don't but does it MATTER?
Just today I walked by the store where I bought my mattress from. I love my mattress and give thanks every single night for it. The thought crossed my mind as I passed the store that I should tell them. And why not? Do people do that? I have no idea. That's not my priority.
My priority is to give thanks where thanks is due. And since I know it's a small family-owned store, someone in there would know about my purchase. So I went in. They said "Yes?" I said, "I bought a mattress here a few months ago and I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy it."
It made their day. And guess what? It had me smiling, too.
Has anyone done that before? I have no idea. Who cares? Does it MATTER?
Even if it's NOT done, doesn't mean it shouldn't be.
Sit with that. Take it. Keep it. Use it.