https://thestarmovers.com/ Facebook: Ahmad Amun Amun SPIRITUAL CALL Q & A 515-6049099 CODE 760434213# OR 712-7704832 CODE 713187# SAME TIME! BACK UP # (425) ...
I saw your face NOW THIS TESTIMONY IS FROM "RIGHT" MARKEITA LOVE deep! soulless!
Last shadow hour, I did witness an amazing and spectacular event! I stepped outside and witnessed Brother Amun move the moon. At first the moon moved side to side then in circles. Upon further inspection, I could see a face on the moon. It was the face of Brother Amun and I could also see a smile on his face (transposed on the moon) as he was commanding the moon to move. There are literally no words to describe this! You must bear witness for yourself! Markeita Love <[email protected]>
AMUN 144 LET MY WORDS BE KNOWN RAW & UNEDITED "THE WORD MADE FLESH" https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gTkAg7ujMpKYcZNziXo4ywv11yl_r5qg/view?usp=sharing THEN There Is A Black Messiah IS HERE https://youtu.be/noaBYtlU6qo
Testimony from Hawaii Amun is the “real” Messiah!
Rahubaat family. I must share with everyone what happened on May 3rd, 2019 while I was working in Hawaii. I called brother Amun at 8:30pm local Hawaiian time which was 2:30am his time. He had just turned off the lights to get ready to rest but he was still able to move stars for me. I could only see two stars and they both moved in the manner Amun commanded such as circles, up down, and rocking side to side. The point is to show that the distance between Amun and the observer of the moving star is irrelevant once you realize the distance between the observer and the star is many times greater. He also mentioned that using the tone of AMUN puts more energy into the stars and accentuates the movement. If you don't know by now we are walking with the messiah sent to remind us who and what we are. Thanks and praise to the creator for sending him and bringing us ALL together as one family. Taheem Williamson <[email protected]>
Rahubaat family. Daryl brown sun of the God Father of Soul here living in the Mystery school of our Messiah Amun Rayay! Last night was so powerful I finally did the blue light spiritual experience and that was a very powerful experience as I saw brother Amun hand disappear completely and his fingers starting with the tips light up blue.. It was amazing. He prove to me that we are not are “physical” body. That we are spiritual beings and one with All. The Amon also took me outside and placing his hand on my shoulder had me moving any and every thing I wanted my way, after he did the same and much more. He teaches me every day and night, also cooks such healthy MEALS AND MAKES SPEICIAL GREEN JUICE TO GO ALONG WITH OUR DAILY REGIMENT OF VERY RARE AND EXPENSIVE POWERFUL HERBS, I can feel myself growing and am very grateful for his totally selfless guidance and total support! This is the real truth hurry home do not be tricked, the real Messiah truly loves us and was sent with real god powers to share with the righteous seriously honest 144,000! Wadu Seshunk Sesmu ba Daryl brown
Testimony Time? Another blue light healing transformation session
Hello Great Brothers & Sisters ! Greetings I am Chanise a sister from Chicago whom has been a victim of the white Jesus tradition the white folks gave us. On April 16,2019 I saw the Messiah’s face in the moon! I saw his mouth moving as I looked up into the moon. Now I was sitting on Harold’s Chicken Shack for dinner but I received a call from Amun Ray which whom is always supporting and reaching new stands! “We have a blue body light conference getting ready to go on” said the Messiah. My heart felt joy because nothing is more loved then the all in all as one! I gratefully accepted the invite! I was fighting something at the time but when I chose to be apart of the creators victory The time was always now! We chanted and spreader positive vibrations into the all! I felt soothing and welcomed on home! The 144,000 has and will survive the holicust! Peace and faithfullness God’s & Goddesses Peace?????????????????? Chanise Houston <[email protected]>
Rahubaat family. I experienced the most beautiful thing I ever experienced in my life with brother ?? Amun healing class tonight where we actually became one with the crester the All the All knowing. This was a healing class that I advise All the disciples to get ready for THE SHIFT. Wadu
Spiritual Healing Session Testimony ! Wadu Seshunk Sesmu ba Daryl brown
Testimony By Aaron Nichols Amun Rayay is truly our real MESSIAH 6/7/2019
I AM here to testify on behalf of the TRUTH. The principle of DIVINE LOVE FAITHFULNESS, and honor of THE MOST HIGH!! I, Aaron Nichols, bare witness to THE MESSIAH. The one who is here to raise up the 144,000 before this world as we know it today is destroyed. How do I know this is true? How do I know Amun is the one who he say he is? I was there! I've seen something with my own eyes that cant be explained by anyone else. I seen stars and planets move on a whim of his call as if he was controlling it with his own mind (which Amun is.) I am a trucking driver who travels all across the country and encounter various people. This day, I was standing at a truck stop in Pearsall, TX about 80 miles from the border of Mexico. I was on the phone with another brother in another region of the country witnessing the exact same thing as me. Amun asked both of us to look at a star with out telling me. I am going to make a mind link with both of you guys to show you the power of THE MOST HIGH and make any star you choose move in various ways. As Amun began his chant, the star I focused on began to move. He moved the star, up and down, left to right and full rotations going clockwise. As the star I focused on continued to move, the other brother on the phone with me was also telling us his star was moving. I mean all of these things are happening simultaneously. Mind you, no other stars around the one I stayed focused on moved. Very subtle, Amun acknowledge that the other person was focused on a planet. Yes!! I said PLANET!! Amun was moving a planet in those same directions. I was focused on the second star on the tail of the big dipper! These are the amazing miracles I bare witness to on that day. The beautiful thing about this is Amun could only do something like that of that magnitude is if is able to make mind links with us. I want to let the world know that he is here. THE MESSIAH is here.
If you want to verify what I witness, please call 7082889549
With Love,
Aaron Nichols A N <[email protected]>
Ahahaha...I am happy..I lay in my bed it was about 2am, I knew I had a astro travel. I met bet beings who had witness what you have been doing for them and they are all elated about it in so much that as I passed by the kept telling me and asking me if I knew,and that they have never seen anything like this before...and so I knew I was where they are and they like wise.we were all in the care ,company and guidance of Ahmad Amun..144,000....I returned in and up and thought I'd share... love ...divine ..divine love
Dearest Amun:
Thank you for believing in me. I am learning more and more each day how to love myself and I believe that is pertinent for any transformation. In my life, there have been times that I have had to drink from a bitter cup. But I did the best that I knew how to do at that time and kept going . I am sure those experiences have shaped my life.
But this, this journey within....is not any easy one. It forces you to look deep within...circumstances are presented that you have to make peace with...friends and loved ones are revealed...and that can sometimes hurt. Your time is capitalized by balancing working a job ....which is mostly about survival than it is about enjoyment. For me...that is challenging most every day. But I do my best and ask the CREATOR for grace and forgiveness.
I knew, years ago, that I would meet Jesus...in my spirit...I felt it...it was a knowing. I never knew it would be this way. But I am grateful for everything that you have taught me and how you have truly transformed my life! It is nothing short of a miracle. At times...it still seems surreal. It seems disconnected from everything else that I "Call" my life. The realization that I am this GOD and doing things that God's do is beautiful. I know that this road leads to paradise if I can just keep making the uphill climb. I know that none of this would have not been possible if the CREATOR had not sent you (AMUN) to guide us. Thank you AMUN for coming for us! You have not yet received your just due! But I know that the reward is great for You! I LOVE YOU and I truly thank You! MAY THE CREATOR FOREVER BE EXALTED!
Markeita Love
Rahubatt family this is Satakh aka Jermaine Ellis from Chicago live from the mystery school of the real messiah a min ashay this is my third trip ant tgus far its been tge best experience of my life on earth. It started the first night at the shuttle port with him moving celestial objects as he always do foe visitors.it was powerful but later that night at after cooking and getting us comfortably situated in our rooms e tge messiah started teaching me to shift to ultra blue lite body by personal demonstration in the dark he first made his entire hand and arm starting glowing with a ultra violet blue aura and as he repeated auum amun and sacred chants I cant repeat keeping our secrets sacred he raised vibration until not only his right hand and arm became totally invisible but even his entire body dissappperd not even 2 feet from me and mad himself invisible at least 5 times to let me know its real I followed his lead and had noticible progress and making my hand aura appear as well. As usual we took berry very long nature walks while listening to transformational cds on these walks as usual he would always make a point to move the sun several times for us as well as ignite certain chakrs until thr piint we can actually see the colors of each chakra he ignited as they appeared in plain sight before walking and pumping irion along withwe always routinely take powerful healing herbal combinations not found on the internet only in the Amazon rainforest ECT. We always able to ask him questions on any subject day and. Nite related to making the dimensional shift..to the new heaven and earth. He also will stay up up nights creating as many as a dozen brand new 4hr transformation dvds that we were instructed to listen to all night A min ray is a very. Humbe being funny entertaining and a great cook
He hovers over us making sure were comfortable measuring our spiritual growth constantly he always encourages us to contact people with spiritual potential and he always takes as much personal time as needed to perform godly miracles for us all and them while. Teaching us at the same time please support this mission 144000 our growing family. This is Vvery real and a modern website worthy of the 144000 and the remenantalong with blog talk radio media experts ECT are desperately needed yesterday.this is the wisest consistent investments that you can ever make as Amub ray heals any and everything as stated by papa nabab yawuun one example is the 19 min DVD let my words be known there the master teacher let us know that its been amum ray that has been protecting us since the yeaylr 2000 we frequently see if I crafts as well as many other spiritual experiences while in his presence time is short family lets all come together as one working toward one common goal freedom and ascension by first as one divine mind we collectively free papa Annan yawuun in truth even while others continue to pretend with their hands constantly in your pocket while misdirecting you from your own purified scriptures or me stones all the way back down to the European kings version of our true scripture the Holy tablets transliteration email and so forth all of which just happen to be filled with revelations about the real messiah amun ray..hummmm [email protected]
On Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Moving Celestial Bodies
At approx 10:00 on Sun 12/23 Bro Ahmad Amun Rayayaat moves the move for me. He moved it to the right and then to the left. He moved it up and back down. Even thought it was slow I saw in move. He then projected his face in the moon and there was a bright blue aura around the moon. It’s always amazing to see this miracle. Come and be a part of the 144,000
Marie Ferryman Marie Ferryman <[email protected]>
Moving The Stars Through The Disciples 12/19/18
Greetings Family, Sunday during class Brother Amun moved the moon and stars for a new sister Chanise. I was on the class to witness her say she saw them moved. Even though, I had clouds I have witness this many times before, Brother Amun moving the stars and moon and the whole Orion-star constellation. For instance, Brother Amun has been moving stars through disciples (old and new) during recent the recent classes to prove that there is only ONE MIND. He has been moving the Stars in different states from inside his house through different people, and people never wonder how does he know which star they are looking it. He is making a MIND LINK with them proving he is THE REAL MESSIAH Amun-Rayay Asha. I have been moving Stars for almost 2 years now, and also move the moon and sun and have many Synchronistic Experiences proving we do indeed create our own reality. What most of The Nuwaupians and other groups on YouTube and so-called conscious community talk is cheap about and read in books we actually do and experience. There are a lot of people getting scammed out there and it’s sad to say “When will my people learn?” You can talk all day about Ancient Egypt and what your ancestors did on street corners (in New York or wherever, but until you actually start performing REAL miracles and transforming yourself inside out outside in all of that is just talk and we are THE ONLY GROUP on the planet that is doing exactly that as many eye-witness and video proof has proven. Brother Amun is taking us to a new level of information. He is teaching us on the conference calls how why the world governments and systems are breaking down, how The Dimensional Shift Mandela Effect is taking place, what to expect on The New Earth, but we still have much to learn and a long way to go. We truly need more help donations for equipment new website blog talk radio Tec’s in computer & media seamstresses ect & most important is purchasing your personalized spiritual packages & healing are for real highly “effective” these spiritual packages here is the cashapp link, cashapp link to cashapp https://cash.me/login? return_to account.settings, THEN LOOK FOR $thestarmover TO MAKE YOUR PURCHASE OR MUCH NEEDED DONATIONS! And would appreciate if you would join our conference calls every Sunday and Thursday 9PM EST (Eastern Standard Time) 515-7391030 Code760434213# or 641-7150676 Code713187# IF blocked 716-2939788 then when asked reg. 515-7391030 Code760434213# or 641-715 0676 Code713187#. This is a serious endeavor but it is the most rewarding in Existence. So join us Family to uplift here and in the worlds to come. Remember that quiet voice (and sometimes loud) that tells you you should be doing something this is it. And that voice is The Creator (your own Higher Self). Don’t ignore it and get Left Behind like far too many... I love you family. We Are One Divine Love! Hatap. Peace. Wadu. Dalante Cofield <[email protected]>
P.S. We win in the end!
Greetings, Celestrial Movement For You...
So early Wednesday morning between 12a-1a, I'd looked out my bedroom window and noticed a bluish pulsating star above Yankee Stadium. I suddenly had a thought to call Bro. Amun & mention the night sky was clear, for a change. Right after I let him know, he asked me if I would like for him to move any stars for me. I then replied to him that I was inside and there was a bluish pulsating star that I saw outside my window. He then wanted me to go outside (it was cold!) & he would move the Moon instead, mentioning that would be more significant then moving a single star. So I then dressed & returned outside, crossed the street and saw the 3/4 moon. After telling Bro Amun this he said "move to the left in the name of the Messiah, Amun Rayay". I wasn't able to see much b/c of bright street lights, so I walked up the street towards the front of the stadium area and then noticed, in addition to the Moon a couple of stars to the left, including Orion's Belt. I should mention, Bro Amun was inside his place the entire time I was outside!
Then he started speaking again to the star that looked the lowest to me, out of the three of Orion's belt, "move to the right in the name of the Messiah, Amun Rayay". At first I didn't notice any movement, but suddenly, the star starting to slightly move to the right! (my left). I thought to myself @ that instance, "interesting!". Then he was commanding the star to move up & then down. I'd only noticed the movement to my left. When I'd mentioned that I was seeing Orion's belt, he came excited and decided to focus on moving that instead. Based on where I was standing, Orion's belt looked vertical, so at that moment he focused on the star in Orion's belt closest(lowest) to me by saying again, "move to the left in the name of the Messiah, Amun Rayay". So when I'd replied that it seemed like it was moving, he then mentioned to the star "go up, up", then "come back down". Then he asked me if I would like for him to move the entire constellation for me, which I agreed to. He then commanded all of the stars that I saw all the stars moving at once they moved left, right & in circles. I saw the stars moving. Then, Bro Amun went back to the Moon. When he said "move to the right in the name of the Messiah, Amun Rayay", the Moon started stretching, as if someone was holding opposite ends and pulling a rubberband. That was interesting!! When I mentioned this, he repeated himself and also said he was going to make his face appear & I should look to see something moving @ the bottom which would be his mouth. I did notice the surface had a Brown discoloration and while focusing on this phenomena I did notice a halo around the Moon while this was happening. When I told him about the stretching and that I wasn't seeing the movement, he then decided to go outside his house and look @ the Moon himself. Afterwards he was outside and also looking @ the Moon, the halo(aura) became even bigger! So while I was staring intently @ the Moon, that's when it started moving to the right! :) After this I went back inside (very cold & breezy). That's it. Stanley Mathews [email protected] Bronx n’y’