Just another day at work. Right?
Paul Cooper Sr.
Retired Fraud Detective Sergeant at City of Atlanta Police Department
This narrative and tactic of resist the police is getting out of hand. If this woman had simply remained civil, spoke like an adult to the officers, most of this could have been cleared up and she would have walked away with a couple of traffic citations that would have most likely been dismissed if she resolved the issues before court.But she chose to refuse, obfuscate, and distract. She was more interested in her 15 minutes of internet fame. Or does she really believe that this is the appropriate way to act?
And then, when media and social media carve out a few seconds of video for sensationalism, the story gets twisted to try and continue to perpetuate the "police are evil" narrative.
I can only hope that police officers continue to be police officers, so that every time a stranger in need calls out for help they will come and they will help. Because any other alternative is unimaginable.