Just another day in November!
Kashish Keswani ツ
“In God we trust; all others must bring data."| #Netlink #Lumenore | #BusinessIntelligence | #BusinessAnalytics | #AntiDashboard | #SelfServiceAnalytics | #EmbeddedAnalytics | #NoCodeAnalytics | #DemocratizingData ????
Hey, you, let’s celebrate this just another day!
But before we do that,
I have a point to make, and that is, "Men are also just like women".
However, they are hidden in small envelopes of stereotypes and are not allowed to be in few certain forms and sizes.
Men literally run the whole gamut – from Super-Alpha to Super-Beta and all in between… but again, our society is yet to accept that.
Our society wants to still trap men in their idea of what a man should be!
?And, on top of all, who the Duck said, “Boys don’t cry”? Who are these people who are deciding that men will not shed any tears?
Who came up with this non-realistic-toxic statement and used it in turning the world of men upside-down?
I mean, if boys were not supposed to cry, they would have been born smiling, you know anyone who was born smiling? if you did, change your peddler!
And why are men usually discussed as "men" and not as individuals are they always in the group?? How amazing it would have been if that was true! :P
Also, who decided, that man should not wear pink? Pink looks far better on shirts than barbie. And on top of all, the color of a shirt cannot define how “Fem” or “Not fem” a person is. Or how skinny pants make him sissy? ?Stop this nonsense, please!
And now, the very important thing, do you know that the most common cause of death for men under 50 is suicide. Now, be honest, did you know that? No, right? otherwise, you would have been nicer to the man around you already! ??
You - “The Amazing Society” made it so hard for men to be vulnerable or gullible as apparently it becomes outside their prescribed gender role.
I am not saying that men are not treated right or need some new norms to support them in any way, all I am saying is, society needs to normalize their point of view towards men and must stop imposing their masculine thoughts and ideas on a living soul who resides in men’s body.
I raised a few points with a perspective that is not new to you, but you still somehow… in fact, most choose to ignore!
My point is, we can be better than this and start appreciating the small things they do! (I know it’s a tough one ??)
To start with, today, I mean… on this “Just Another Day” … let's appreciate and celebrate the?men in our lives?(also, the word women also have men in it, how amazing is that!)
Also, let's give them some credit today for all those lovely and beautiful things they have done that we bucketed as things men were supposed to do! ?? ??
And lastly, let's normalize Men to be Men, not good men, bad men, a superman, or whatever…
Today… let him be him in his skin! ??
#TheLittleThings #Internationalmensday #MovemberMovement #NoShaveNovember