Just Accept That....
Veli Ndaba - 'The NeuroEngineer'
The 'Veli Ndaba NeuroEngineering Leadership Effect' #VNNLE ? Transforming Minds from Mental Darkness to Mental Light
"What screws us up most in life is the PICTURE in our head of how it's supposed to be." - Anonymous
We have to learn to accept the world for what it is not for what we want it to be. Failure to do so, will result in bitterness, crying and pains.
Just accept that things won't always go your way. Just accept that in pursuit of your dreams, some people will promise you one thing and do the other. Just accept that some people will back-stab you and speak ill of you, you can't change that. Just accept that there will be tears along the way, that's just the way it is. Just accept that in pursuit of your dreams you will be criticized, rejected, go through tough times, be prejudiced against, accept it - it's just the way it is.
Just accept that in pursuit of your dream, you will fall short along the way and fail dismally, stop blaming yourself, learn from it instead, it's the way it is, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and soldier on. People with the Champions Mind-Set know that you fail your way to success, they know that even when you fail, you win in your failure. Never let the fear of failure outweigh the desire to succeed. People with Champions Mind-Set operate on the premise that WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY, they don't make excuses for inaction or failure.
Let today be the day you let go of your excuses why you can't pursue your dreams (WHERE THERE IS A WILL,THERE IS A WAY!), you were born to manifest greatness. If you don't let go of your excuses, all of us will suffer including generations to come. Winning is your birth right, claim your dreams!
If you are really tired of living a small life and you want to raise a bar on your life and your team to unleash that power within, book me and let me help you inspire and empower you and your team to the next level. Veli Ndaba - 0833049773 [email protected], www.sekusile-ts.co.za and www.velindaba.co.za for more information
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