"Junk" DNA essential for embryo development

Just uploaded a manuscript over the weekend to BioRxiv.org. It's so painful and slow to deal with rejections and revisions by several journals. I decided to publish on a preprint server. So far so good, as it is getting some attention on Twitter. 

I have been working on this thing for a long time (2+ yrs). It shows that lots of the "junk" DNA in our genomes may be essential in early development. It may also be involved in gene regulation in stem cells.

I am also trying to demonstrate the effectiveness of a data-driven, instead of hypothesis-driven, approach to large genomics data. Exploratory bioinformatics analysis can generate a lot of specific findings that could be tested experimentally.

Link to paper: https://biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/10/09/079921


