Junior Achievement World
Imagine a city run by fifth graders. One of these excited young consumers is rushing to the bank to deposit a paycheck after working a shift at a local retail store. Another student, who works at the local newspaper, frantically rushes to meet the story deadline before the paper goes to press. Finally, picture a fifth-grade mayor meeting with business leaders to discuss the current business climate. All of this happens at the exciting opportunity called JA BizTown.
All of these fun events happen every day at JA World. Creating these experiences for students has been an on-going dream of Junior Achievement. Our JA World facilities offer both phenomenal experiences JA BizTown and JA Finance Park. This sounds like another BNI Foundation "Business Voices" project in action.
Here is a photo of BNI Executive Director Will Gaethle at Junior Achievement World with (from left to right): Cynthia Gartrell (Regional Director), Debbie Champion (Current BNI President), Russ Roberts (Past BNI President), Will Gaethle (Executive Director BNI), and David Moore (President and CEO of Junior Achievement of Washington).