June TaxTech Updates

June TaxTech Updates

June TaxTech Updates

In June the e-Transformation sector saw many crucial developments. Please read our summary article, which features news and articles published on the SNI Blog in June.

Spain: BATUZ is a tax control strategy based on Spain, which aims to provide a digitalized tax control system. As of January 2022, implementation was optional, and carried tax incentives. It is implemented by the Bizkaia government, and applies to all companies and individuals. However, some requirements must be fulfilled such as the Ticket BAI invoicing system. To get more information about the BATUZ and TBAI implementation schedule and process, please check out the related news.?

APAC: E-Invoicing has been started in the APAC region to prevent tax evasion and non-compliance. The electronic invoicing system supports sending through the PEPPOL network for B2G and B2B transactions. Every country implements its own e-Invoicing model and can choose the format, content and technical requirements based on national standards. You can find more information about the e-Invoice systems of Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam and Philippines, from the countries in the APAC region here.?

Israel: IMDA is the national tax authority of Israel, which aims to adopt e-Invoicing in both B2B and B2G transactions. The implementation of e-Invoicing is currently voluntary, but will eventually become mandatory. An announcement from the government is expected soon. All details can be found in our news.

Poland: According to the latest announcement by the Polish tax authority, the FA(2) logical structure will be published soon. The test environment and documentation will be usable from July 2023. The main goal of FA(2) is to ensure that IT systems are adapted to planned changes to the KSeF. It is expected that it will be ready for use as of September 1, 2023. For more information and the official announcement, please visit the news page.

Bolivia: The Bolivian Tax Authority (SIN) plans to implement e-Invoicing gradually. With the latest announcement, the online billing method for "group-four taxpayers" has been postponed. Until 31 July 2023, the SFV computerized or manual billing method can be used by group-four taxpayers. As of August 1, 2023, these taxpayers must issue financial documents only through the designated online invoicing method. You can read the full news by clicking here.

France: In line with the latest decision, the French government plans to spread the scope of the e-Invoice implementation in B2B and B2C transactions. The mandatory e-Invoicing for domestic B2B transactions and e-Reporting of transaction data for cross-border B2C transactions have been approved. The pilot phase is set for January 3 to June 30, 2024. As of July 1, 2024, the obligation to receive invoices in electronic form will begin for large companies. For more information about e-Invoicing and e-Reporting in France, read our top-five critical questions here.

Singapore: In Singapore, the national tax authority, IMDA, is encouraging the use of e-Invoicing for B2B and B2G transactions. There is no mandatory implementation yet, but the government’s latest announcement shows that the implementation of e-Invoicing for B2G transactions will become mandatory in shortly. Please check out the news for more information.

KSA: Through the latest announcement by ZATCA in KSA, all taxpayers were able to benefit from the "cancellation of fines and exemption from financial penalties" initiative up to May 31, 2023. Late registration, late payment, late filing, late submission, VAT declaration correction and fines in tax systems were within the scope of this initiative, which also featured criteria for taxpayers who want to benefit from the system. All the process and details can be found here.

Poland: A new standard audit file report, JPK_GV, has been announced by the Polish Tax Authority. As of July 1, 2023, it will become mandatory for VAT group members to send their records to the tax office electronically. Please read the news for additional information.

Turkey: As of 2014, electronic invoice implementation started in Turkey. According to the TRA's announcement, the QR code must be present on all electronic documents. Taxpayers working with private contractors to integrate their information systems need to upgrade their infrastructure. The details are explained in the QR Code Standard Guide published by the TRA. The implementation will come into effect on September 1, 2023. You can read the full story by clicking here.



