June is Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness Month
Michelle (Mish) Wright
Writer, educator, speaker, and consultant. I support organisations large and small in improving/creating their education products. Head of Education at Women's Fitness Education.
June is pelvic organ prolapse awareness month. Commonly referred to as POP. Considering that around 50% of women are going to experience some sort of prolapse in their lifetime, you would think that we would all know about it.
Sadly, like many issues when it comes to women's health, this topic is spoken about in hushed tones. If talked about at all. Information about our health and wellbeing is not scaremongering. Although the thought of your underpants catching your internal organs can be a seriously scary thought! When information given, and conditions such as prolapse are demystified - we can make better informed decisions to avoid prolapse. Or if do experience prolapse - know that we are not alone.
Step 1: Understanding What Prolapse Is!
I was both a mum and a fitness professional when I even hear the word prolapse for the first time. And unfortunately, it was on the bed of a pelvic health physiotherapist while she was doing an internal exam. Exercise had not only become my profession, but it was also the way I managed my mental health due to traumatic marriage break up.
Completely horrified by what she described to me about prolapse, I could not believe:
I was not only training myself to prolapse, it is likely I was pushing other women to the same fate too.
This caused me to re-think everything.
If you are not 100% sure of what is prolapse - then read this article here - Prolapse 101
Step 2: Understanding Your Risk Factors for Prolapse
Most women who experience pelvic organ prolapse can usually pin-point it to one activity. It might be giving birth. Or lifting a heavy piece of furniture. Or even straining with constipation.
However, rarely is prolapse the result of a single factor.
More likely, it is a culmination of number of factors, with one action being the straw that breaks the proverbial back. Understanding your risk factors is key for you to make informed decisions that can support your pelvic health.
To get a full break down of all the risk factors and what you can do to negate these risk factors - check out this article here.
Be informed. Be kind.
Mish x