June Newsletter

One of my favourite verses in the bible is in Matthew 5:1 -2. It's fairly obscure so you'll be forgiven for not knowing it off by heart even if you are a Christ follower.?

A big crowd gathers. There are hundreds of people. Thousands even. Like us they also felt disorientated by their allotted slot in human history. Hurt by the religious and political system of their day. Trampled down by so much hope deferred and hardship that they longed like camels for a bit of hope. That day, the day of Matthew 5:1-2,? Jesus was their hope so they moved slowly to find Him.

This is how Eugene Peterson translates what happens next: When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions.

?I love this verse because it reminds me so clearly of what to do and what not to do. Unlike us who are addicted to Instagram and fame Jesus focused on just a few who paid the price to follow him. Jesus didn't address the crowd when giving his 'sermon' on the mount. He addressed his friends. 'Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed.' That distinction is critical.?

And today that is so counterculture. We love big solutions. Big groups of people. Safety in numbers and intensity of effort. But Jesus showed us another way. He showed us the way of small. Of mission designed in the heart of God to do more than we can ask, think or imagine. Do you see it in the verse above??

And we need His strategy with so much need and grief at our front doors. None of us can afford the mistake of wandering around lost with the crowd in search of hope and service. We need to be clear at this time in human history. Intentional. Strategic about where and how we sow our limited love so we don't fall into the mistake of trying too much or not trying enough (both sides of the same unconscious coin).

And with that in mind, I want to invite you to join us at iThemba Lethu. Become part of the incredible team that is truly changing a community. Join us in delivering world-class love and service that is on a trajectory to have an unprecedented impact.?

Why? The Government of National Unity is a miracle. A gift of another four years of peace. A well-needed plaster covering deep wounds that will continue to fester unless things change for the 60% of South Africans living below one of the poverty lines… And while there is so much hope and room for celebration, South African inequality is still the problem that will continue to create division and confusion unless we choose to get into the mess with Jesus alongside people we love and trust.?

And ITL is on that incredible mission. Ahead of the curve. Kickstarted into a destiny more than twenty-two years ago by a Doctor with a dream. And today you can join us… You can 'climb our mountain' following Jesus and be sure of some good laughs along the way. You can get involved by praying and worshipping and sowing lavishly.?

It's so simple, see how here.?

Final thought: Hiding is not Jesus's way. Those who tried it always got called from the corners back into the community if they were listening to His voice. Yes, you have a legitimate reason to be tired. Sore. Hurt. And yes, you have a legitimate reason for wanting to hide from the descending chaos all around you. Life is hard at the moment. But if you have God's Spirit inside you, staying hidden is not where you belong. You need a mission field, and we want to implore you not to settle for anything less. Our neighbours in South Africa need us now more than ever before and Mordecai probably still says it best: 'For such a time as this!' you and your unique set of experiences, traumas, and giftings have been given to us around you.?

So strap on those boots! Do some stretches! And together let's follow our good, good God toward His destiny for Durban.


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