June is Jumping!
Terry Curtis Daniels, PhD
The in-Rhythm Coach | Award Winning Executive Change Leadership Coach & Speaker | Pastor | Author | HR Expert | Organization Psychologist
I hope you enjoy this month's articles. - Terry Daniels, Ph.D.
Building Resilience in A Small Business: Strategies for Adapting to Rapid Market Changes
For every headline-grabbing death of an iconic but slow-to-adapt U.S. company (Blockbuster and Radio Shack come to mind), there are thousands of failed small- to medium-sized businesses that have made the same mistakes.
The key is to build resilience into your company so you can weather then prosper through rapid market changes. Study and adopt the key concepts offered here and you’ll be counted among the marathon winners.
Conversations with Lou – The Power of Beliefs in Development
Lou Tice was an innovative, important, and influential educator and coach. He firmly believed that we become what we think about most of the time, and his teachings centered around using our thoughts to shape a better reality for ourselves.
In this third imagined conversation with Lou, Coach Phil explores the role of beliefs in self-development and how tools as simple and practical as strategic self-talk can powerfully change ourselves for the better.
Coach Phil: Lou, last we talked, we touched on the power of beliefs in the medical field. Could we shift focus a bit? I'd like to understand how beliefs affect children's development.
Lou Tice: Certainly, Phil. Beliefs are foundational in a child's development. To give them a sense of power and importance, it's crucial we involve them in events that open their worldview. Take my granddaughter Alex to a big seminar at the Fifth Avenue theater, for example, demonstrating to her that she's part of something substantial.
Coach Phil: And how early do you think these beliefs start shaping their reality?
Don’t Get Hacked: The Importance and Use of Strong Passwords and Password Managers
How would you like to protect your accounts with passwords that are easy to use and would take a hacker 805 billion years to break?
This concise, yet comprehensive, guide to passwords and password managers will give you and your organization the online protection you need in today’s increasingly threatening online world.
Don’t let yourself become tomorrow’s headline and cybercrime statistic.
Pay-for-Performance Plans: How to Attract and Retain the Best Employees
In this comprehensive article, we distill the ideas of industry thought leaders on the current state of pay-for-performance plans and how these plans can boost your productivity, employee retention, and overall profitability.
We warn you of some potential pitfalls and suggest ways to include and motivate your administrative staff members. Ignore these strategies at your own risk – they are proving to be essential to Gen Zers, who are increasingly critical to your success.
You Are Only As Good as Your Worst Day
How Effective Talent Development Strategies Can Transform Your Company and Attract The Talent You Want
We talk to so many business owners today who find themselves spending far too much time searching for talent.
The best way to break this unproductive cycle is to design and implement an effective talent development strategy. Moreover, the benefits stretch much further than you can imagine. Discover them today.