June Issue Building an Awesome UX

June Issue Building an Awesome UX

Building an Awesome UX 

UX is User Experience and refers to a person's emotions and attitudes about using a service. Whether you view the word Building as a noun or a verb, we as an industry need to create Awesome User Experiences.

As an old guy who's been writing about building automation for over 20 years, I see from history that change is very slow.

Before automatedbuildings.com in 1994, I was working as an energy/automation consultant renaming Energy Management Control Systems, EMCS to Client Comfort Systems, CCS, the start of Humanistic Digital Inclusion and the acknowledgment of the client as the User. During this project, I learned the power of HTML and Internet as a valuable part of any UX. The CCS Manual is still online today proving the longevity of an online user interface and the virtual world.

In 1999 we started AutomatedBuildings.com, during the dot-com days, we wrote, We have selected this article to be in our first launch issue because we think it sends us all a wake-up call as to how significant the internet is going to be in the future.  The concept of a large building as an internet identity with its own web address is now the latest step in presenting and managing your Automated Buildings.

What has changed in 20 years of Internet? Cost is down; speed is up, everything has an IP address, the internet has become clouded with powerful microcomputers on the edge self-learning and sharing their intelligence with everyone who is continuously connected.

This review talks about using the tools of the day to build and deliver an Awesome UX. Why are we all involved in that process?; because we are all involved in the process of providing the total user experience "UX" for our buildings.

Looking forward to engaging global thought on Creating an Awesome UX in a few days in Helsinki.

in this discussion at https://nordicsmartbuilding.fi/program/  

09:20 – 10:00 | DISCUSSION: “Empathic, Healing & Anticipatory Buildings”

– The physical and psychological implications of smart buildings

– Anticipating users’ needs for friction-free UX

We all need to learn more about providing a Transcendental, Mindful, HaPI, Life Force, UX. We need to think more like software designers, catching the vibe of our building to agilely create our awesome UX.

Also I am part of these discussions in Helsinki, I will tell you what I learned in our July issue.

“Retrofitting intelligence: The challenge of getting smarter”, 

“Transparency and the Digital Twin: What it means to be seen”

“Human-centered design and Building IoT – finding room for both”

“Reaching the full potential of smart environments: How do we get from here to there?”

Just tweeted this just online interview, with Control Trends. A great chat on Humanistic Digital Inclusion and how that might lead to Building an Awesome UX give it a listen.

In this podcast, I talk to Lawrence Ampofo about the potential for buildings to become more digitally mindful to improve the lives of people who are more connected and work from multiple locations.


Very pleased to have these articles speaking to Awesome UX,

Smart Buildings Start with the People In an era where people are accustomed to accessing timely information at their fingertips, corporations need to respond with an equally fast and reliable level of service and visibility to resources within their buildings. - Roee Peled, Sales Executive, PointGrab

Improving the Occupant Experience with Haystack - Patrick Coffey, VRT Systems

Therese Sullivan, BuildingContext Ltd  + Managing Editor,  Haystack Connections Magazine + our contributing Editor writes 

The Spring 2018 edition of Project Haystack Connections documents how fast the evolution toward smarter buildings can happen once building operational data has been tag-enabled. Both IT and OT contingents are recognizing that metadata tagging is key to clearing hurdles related to ease-of-use, unified data flow edge-to-cloud, data security and even adhering to new GDPR data privacy rules. Not to be missed is the fact that the storytellers in this issue — especially those that I interview in the Q&A section — are not solution vendors, but are from the ranks of design engineers, commissioning experts, smart building consultants, and large-portfolio property managers.

I am sad that I will be missing https://www.realcomm.com/ibcon-2018/ But can only be in one place at one time, be sure to share your views on this event in our July issue.

As always this new issue is a resource of great articles, columns, reviews, new products, interviews and of course the steady stream of news depicting our rapid evolution and journey to "Building an Awesome UX."


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