June at 33 Bedford Row

June at 33 Bedford Row

Our absolute highlight of June was the 33 Bedford Row Summer Party!

Thank you to all who joined us on the North Lawn at Lincoln's Inn.?

A glorious evening, and a time for MOCs to spend some time together and celebrate all the hard work we are doing.?

33 Bedford Row Summer Party on the North Lawn at Lincoln's Inn

Other June highlights include:

Deborah Seitler Appeared in the Court of Appeal on behalf of the Child: D AND A (FACT-FINDING: RESEARCH LITERATURE)

Deborah Seitler instructed by Debbie Jacobs at GJ Law responded on behalf of the Child in D and A (Fact-Finding : Research Literature) [2024] EWCA Civ 663 (19 June 2024): Appeal by parents to set aside findings made in care proceedings, raising issues about use of medical research literature as evidence in care proceedings and how such evidence should be managed by the court. Appeal allowed.

Read more here.?

Scott Tuppen: Success in the High Court

At a hearing in the High Court in June, Scott Tuppen's submissions that it?is a fundamental requirement of justice that parties affected by an injunction, who haven’t yet been heard by the court, should be permitted to apply to vary the injunction, even where it is a final injunction, was accepted by the court.

The local authority who had obtained the injunction asserted that the High Court did not have jurisdiction to vary its own order, and that only the Court of Appeal could now consider the matter. The authority was seeking to have the defendants committed for contempt of court for alleged breaches of the injunction, and opposed the application to vary.

The injunction was obtained at an earlier hearing by the local authority, against a large number of named and unnamed members of the travellers’ community. At that hearing when the final injunction was granted, some of those impacted by the injunction sought to give oral evidence, but the judge refused to allow it.

Some of those affected by the injunction later applied to vary the injunction, but the local authority argued that the travellers should be 'barred' from applying to vary the order.?

Scott’s submissions relied on the conclusions of Nicklin J in the?London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (1)?case which, although reversed on appeal, was later considered by the Supreme Court along with several other similar conjoined cases.?The?Supreme Court (2)?found that injunctions granted against unknown persons should always include?generous liberty to any person affected by it to apply to vary or discharge the injunction.

Scott was instructed by AGI Solicitors. Jerome Birch of 33 Bedford Row, Alan Masters of 1 Pump Court and Tim Baldwin of Garden Court Chambers appeared for the other co-defendants.


  • 1?London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and others v Persons Unknown [2021] EWHC 1201 (QB) (12 May 2021)
  • 2?Wolverhampton City Council?and others (Respondents) v?London Gypsies and Travellers and others (Appellants) [2023] UKSC 47A

Ayesha Smart - specialist in animal welfare law - provided expert legal opinion in the Animal Rising Report on RSPCA Assured Farms

Ayesha Smart in her capacity as a specialist in animal welfare law, provided her legal expert opinion in the Animal Rising Report on RSPCA Assured Farms.

Through 60 investigations across a four month period, Animal Rising obtained videos and photographs from 45 animal farms across the UK. In a report published Sunday, Animal Rising says it found animals suffering on every farm. Smart, who reviewed all the evidence gathered by Animal Rising, identified a total of 280 breaches of legal standards and 94 breaches of codes of practice for animal welfare. She said that it’s clear that farms are failing the animals and among the worst and most frequent breaches were animals left dead and dying inside barns.

Animal Rising | Action For All Life

RSPCA 'Assured' - Covering Up Cruelty on an Industrial Scale SINGLE PAGES.pdf (animalrising.org)

Milad Shojaei resists allegations of sexual abuse at fact-finding hearing

Milad Shojaei, instructed by Sally Masango at Farani Taylor Solicitors, represented the father in a recent fact-finding hearing where serious allegations were made against him by the mother.

The allegations included a prolonged campaign of sexual abuse, marital rape, and coerced abortions. Through lengthy cross-examination and meticulous analysis of the medical evidence, Milad Shojaei successfully resisted these allegations. Additionally, he proved that the mother had inflicted emotional harm on the father by engaging in acts of revenge porn.

Please see below the excellent review left by the client:

"Milad Shojaei represented me in my family case and I can confirm that he is highly knowledgeable in his line of practice. Milad was thorough with his preparation and due to his remarkable delivery techniques and great advocacy skills, he managed to achieve the expected outcome to my great satisfaction. He conducted the 3-day fact-finding hearing with professionalism throughout. I highly recommend him."

Milad Shojaei is a highly sought-after junior barrister specialising in the full range of family law matters, particularly those involving domestic violence. Should you wish to instruct him, please contact his clerks at [email protected].

Sapna Shah and Lara Hicks Published in the Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales

Chambers would like to congratulate Lara Hicks and Sapna Shah who have been published in the Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales.

"The Pro Bono Recognition List is a new initiative that recognises barristers and solicitors who have given 25 or more hours of pro bono legal assistance over the previous calendar year.

This year was the first year that the Recognition List was published and saw a total of 3,760 barristers and solicitors recognised, 476 of whom are barristers. It’s excellent to see so many members of the Bar going above and beyond to provide pro bono assistance to those who would otherwise have to face the legal system alone – congratulations and thank you for making a huge difference to access to justice." - Advocate

Lara is a sought after civil practitioner with a wealth of experience in dealing?with property and shipping related disputes, in particular.?

Sapna is a family law barrister of 15 years’ experience specialising in aspects of private children law and financial relief.?

Congratulations to both on being recognised for their?pro bono advice and representation, assisting those who might not otherwise receive legal help.?

You can see the Recognition List in full here.

Rabia Mir and Martin Davis delivered training on Family Act Applications and Pension orders

Rabia Mir and Martin Davis recently delivered a training?at Philcox Gray offices.?

Topics covers were:?

  • Family Act Applications: a guide to Non-molestation and Occupation Orders, from the application to hearing stages.?
  • Pension orders – in matrimonial finance?

Martin and?Rabia?were invited by Philcox Gray to deliver a seminar on the above topics. As experts in their field, Martin and?Rabia?delivered a comprehensive and informative seminar.

For the family law seminar,?Rabia?detailed the key considerations when making applications under the Family Law Act and conducting hearings at the interim and final stages.?

Martin’s seminar focused on the types of pension orders the court can make in matrimonial finance

Upcoming Events with 33 Bedford Row:

Exploring the WHO’s Comments on Violence Against Disabled Women

18th July at 6pm - Remote

Taking place during Disability Pride Month, this seminar will discuss the comments made by the World Health Organisation, calling for greater attention to be given to violence against women with disabilities and elder women.

This seminar is part of 33 Bedford Row International Law Team’s Seminar Series.

This is the first seminar of the series, and is in collaboration with The Association of Disabled Lawyers.

Register by emailing [email protected]


Christina Warner, Barrister and award-winning Disability Advocate.

Anna Landre, Internationally recognised Disability Justice Activist and Researcher.

Dr. Charles O’Mahony, Lecturer, University of Galway, School of Law, Disability Law and Policy expert.


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