June 28 – Heavy Truth – 1 Cor 10:20
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
June 28 – Heavy Truth – 1 Cor 10:20
20 No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons.
????This verse is one of the most eye-opening verses in the Bible.?Paul states that the sacrifices made by the pagans which is a term used to speak of anyone who does know Christ.?When that sacrifice is made it is being offered to demons not to God.?This puts a who new spin on this.?So, when you see other religions offering worship, sacrifices and prayers they are being offered to demons plain and simple.?Paul says that he does want them to be participants is demon worship.?This also clarifies the lie propagated by universalists, liberal teachers and even some fundamentalists that the other religions are on par with Christianity.?When Jesus said He was only way, truth and life and route to the Father it was true.?Jesus is God’s answer all other answers are lies with their origin in demonic lies.?Paul is issuing a direct instruction to avoid participation in demon worship which we do when we put anything before God.