June 2024 Newsletter
Here's a round-up of...
Who we are
EPA Hub is a specialised platform for EPAOs to advertise their end-point assessor job opportunities and end-point assessors to apply directly.
Sector news
Jacqui is a highly respected individual in the industry whose expertise is held in high regard. It is recommended that one subscribes to her Friday Round-Ups to stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments.
Here is a summary for the week:
To view the full round-up, click here
Some other sector news
- Construction EPA Company ? - Freelance Assessor - Building Service Engineering - Service & Maintenance Engineer / Craftsperson
To see all the current live jobs click HERE
Good News Stories
ETA’s double award win caps off memorable year
eta recently celebrated two outstanding achievements, underscoring their dedication to internal growth and exceptional service to customers. Read more in the article below...
Have you got some good news to share??
Be sure to send it to us for next month's newsletter.
EPA Conference
If you haven't booked on yet - do it quick as tickets and stands are selling fast!
Headline Sponsor: Skilltech Solutions & risr/
Conference Chair: Tad Chapman
Speakers: Karina Hull Melissa Parlour Jan Richardson-Wilde Professor David Wooff Samuel Riley Laura Topliss Jacqui Molkenthin Dan Howard BA. CMgr FCMI, FIEP Jake Tween Steve Smith David Gallagher FIEP Jane Pierce
Sponsors: Orbital Software Solutions Ltd Occupational Awards Limited Doran Scott Williams (DSW) Skilltech Solutions risr/ NQual Ltd
Exhibitors: S Knights Recruitment EPA HUB Pathway Group Occupational Awards Limited NALP | National Association of Licensed Paralegals Cleverclogs Multimedia LTD Pearson Orbital Software Solutions Ltd DNA Awarding Skilltech Solutions risr/ NQual Ltd
EPAO Quality Alliance
If you're an EPAO and are interested in finding out more, click here
Today I wanted to share a tip for our EPAOs using EPA Hub on setting up a candidate alert. If you’re not on EPA Hub and would like to find out more, pop me a message on LinkedIn
Thank you
Thanks for being a part of our monthly newsletter community! We appreciate your support and can't wait to bring you even more exciting news and insights next month. Keep an eye out for our next edition!