June 2024 Edition
Welcome to the June edition of the Data-Centric Security Advantage Newsletter. There’s plenty of Data-Centric Security news to cover this month, including:
News from Seclore?
CISOs are showing mixed feelings about generative AI, resulting in a noticeable silence on how to approach it. Most CISOs recognize the potential for innovation and scaling organizations, but nearly all are holding their collective breath on how to keep their sensitive data safe. Team leads are diving headfirst into using generative AI, and data security teams are looking for ways to mitigate risks.
Recent Data-Centric Security News
The SEC is introducing new data-breach reporting rules for specific financial entities to better protect consumers' nonpublic personal information in light of advancing technology.
These rules mandate that firms like broker-dealers and investment advisers implement robust incident response programs to quickly address and recover from data breaches, ensuring that affected customers are notified within 30 days of a breach. This move updates and expands upon the original regulations set forth under Regulation S-P over two decades ago.
The Impossible Balance Beam
Balancing security and usability across the enterprise is a never-ending challenge. Business units want to accelerate productivity while considering compliance and security secondary priorities.
Upcoming Events
Live Webinar – June 24th at 10:00 AM (PDT) / 1:00 PM (EST)
Data Beyond the Perimeter: Are DLPs and Firewalls Enough?
In today’s technology landscape, traditional perimeter security measures such as firewalls and DLP systems are no longer sufficient to protect sensitive data. Explore the shift from traditional perimeter security to a robust, data-centric security approach in our upcoming webinar hosted by Seclore Senior Sales Engineer Scott Kelley.
Data Joke of the Month
What did one firewall say to the other at the dance party?
Answer: "Are you here to block the party or just monitor the data flow?"
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