June 20, 2020 Summer Solstice Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse: Divine Grace

June 20, 2020 Summer Solstice Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse: Divine Grace

Welcome to Inner Beauty Healing’s astrology forecast for June 20, 2020, Summer Solstice Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse – Divine Grace.

Let me start by telling you a story. This is the story you have in your head, the voices of your Mind and Spirit in your head. It is . . .

Beauty-The Inside Story – “Divine Grace”

“How are you doing Clasey?” asked Voice.

“Well Voice, really well. Since we last talked I changed. I changed into me! When I look back to the beginning of 2020, I think, ‘Wow I’ve changed so much, and so much has changed and I’m so much calmer,’” said Clasey.

“How’s that?” asked Voice.

“Well, in January, Mind and I were having so many heated discussions most of which ended with nope, not enough. So, I worked on what you told me, to go deep inside and discover my Inner Revolution. It was to set myself Free! Free from all the outside chatter, the outside voices. Then, guess what happened? COVID-19 shut me indoors. Yep, three months of isolation can do wonders for a person. This adventure has brought me up close and personal to so many of my fears, the fears rooted in Selfishness, Dishonor, Judgement. The list goes on and on. The ironic thing is COVID-19 in its unique way gave me a Breath of Fresh Air, a SIP of Self-Assuredness in Presence and last but not least Love. Yep Love, Self-Love, Global Love, Love for Justice, Love for my Fellow Man. Who would have thought I could make these changes in a short time,” said Clasey.

“Clasey, I am so proud of you,” said Voice. “Where do you go from here?” asked Voice.

“That’s the surprise. I don’t know and I’m okay with that. All I know is I’m going to create what I want and I’m NOT going to root it in what I fear,” said Clasey.


Are you ready to create with Divine Grace?

CLICK the Audio to hear the podcast and guided meditation

Podcast: Beauty-The Inside Story · June 20, 2020 Summer Solstice Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse: Divine Grace

Now, let me begin by explaining to you how to use your Cosmic Compass to walk your Prosperity Path with this upcoming June 20 Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse on the Summer Solstice of 2020.

(And if you’ve got your own personal birth chart that I sent you or you just happen to have one, this is a great time to pull it out. And for those of you who don’t have one – but want one, contact me at [email protected] and we’ll see what we can do.)

Let’s say hello and thank you to the Moon & the Sun for their beautiful frequency of light that they share with us.

What kind of Cancer New Moon light are you getting on June 20th? It is the light of

“Divine Grace.”

This is light for Home & Family. It says: to create a prosperous life, reset your attitude to Realism, not Limitations. Take a breath of fresh air and align yourself with the natural rhythms of nature. Act with intuitive insight towards Compassion, not Turbulence. Nurture, communicate and build your Inspirations.

CLICK the Audio to hear the podcast and guided meditation

Astro-Numerology for June 20, 2020 is, it’s a:

  • 2 Day + 6 Month + a 4 Year = a Universal 12 Day, a day of Creativity and Self-Expression
  • Moon and Sun are in Cancer, the Mother at 0° – the restart button
  • The Sun & Moon are pointing tension to Mars at 25° in Pisces
  • Mars is pointing to Jupiter at 25° and Pluto at 24° in Capricorn and Saturn at 0° in Aquarius
  • Saturn is pointing like a rock stuck in a hard place to the Sun & Moon

What does this mean to you? What is the Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse on the Summer Solstice going to do for you?

It can:

  1. Bring the Divine Grace of Liberation
  2. Expand Actions of Turbulence or Compassion
  3. Create a New Attitude

This Summer Solstice Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse is here to reset the next six months from the vibration of your attitude. If you frame your life from fear it will show up fearful. But if you frame your life from light it will be filled with light.

We are still in a Reflection Period with Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter Retrogrades. Retrogrades are times to revisit, reflect, rewrite your life stories – the stories you play in your head, the stories you live out in your life. This Reflection Period is highlighting how you think, what is your message, what you love, what you value, as well as money, laws, rules, home, family, healing, nurturing, mothering, and expanding it to the 10th degree!

The Summer Solstice is at its most extreme angle creating the longest day or longest night, announcing a time to move, to change from your peaks and your valleys. The Solar Eclipse is also adding its layer by casting its shadow to bring attention to what needs to be changed.

The Sun and the Moon at 0 degrees are giving you the Divine Grace of pushing the restart button. The question is: which code will you run – the code of fear or the code or light?

Now for my three Prosperity Tips for this June 20, 2020 Summer Solstice Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse.

Prosperity Path Tips:

  1. Divine Grace – To create prosperity you have to see prosperity, not scarcity nor fear, but the potential. The current events are showing us the potential we have towards creating a world that is Liberated by letting us get up close and personal to the opposite. If you are frustrated, stuck or worried ask for the energy of Divine Grace to help you see beyond the veil.
  2. Compassion – Act with Compassion. When you act with compassion even if there is turbulence you will call forth Divine Protection.
  3. Create a New Light Attitude – Your attitude defines what you call in, so with this powerful new moon use the light to create what you want to really see.

As I said at the beginning, I help heal emotional blocks that stop you from prosperity. I do this in the area of business, personal grown, and presence. How it works is for you to know you, your story, your inner story. If you would like help to translate Your Inner Story which can help you navigate with COVID-19, you can start by scheduling a 1:1 Your Story Astro-Numerology session. This is an Astrology & Numerology session all rolled up into on. Because of COVID -19, I am recommending the 45-minute Your Complete Story session which I am giving a 50% discount for a limited time only. Use coupon AWAKE in all caps in the redeem window when scheduling. Go to our website at www.InnerBeautyHealing.us.




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