June 12th, 1931 Letter From Waldemar Kaempffert To Nikola Tesla
Manjunath R
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June 12, 1931
Dear Mr. Tesla:
Let me join the hundreds of your friends and admirers in America and Europe and offer you my hearty congratulations in commemoration of your seventy-fifth birthday.
As I look back over thirty years of editorial and journalistic work confined to the interpretation of science and engineering your figure looms larger than any with which I have been brought in contact. It was a privilege to bring to the public notice the results of your epoch-making experiments in electrical engineering and electrical resonance. I owe you more than a debt of gratitude for your aid. The fine, imaginative quality that underlies all your work and your bold advance into fields that other engineers were too commercially minded to enter proved to be an inspiration.
Cordially yours,
Science and Engineering Editor