Jumpstart Your DREAM Career This Spring!
Women have borne the brunt of the devastating COVID impact. They have lost – or are losing – their jobs at a faster rate than men. And if they have been working at home, with the extra role of home schooling for many, it’s like the addition of another part-time job.
Can you relate? I bet you can.
But I can tell you that you can – and must – spring forward with your big career goals.
Remember, judge not by appearances, but with righteous judgement. With God, ALL things are possible.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5
So, are you ready to leap forward to your 6-figure dream job this year?
I’m here to help!
Set Your Dream Job Intention Daily
Successful women CAN rise above the ‘SHEcession’ and network to obtain their dream job. Women have often been referred to as the weaker sex, but history has shown otherwise.
“Women are like teabags. We don’t know our true strength until we are in hot water.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
The hot water is now for many women affected by the SHEcession. Overcome burnout to balance your personal and work lives, while living in harmony with your true self.
Believe me, I know how daunting it can feel to think about finding your dream job, especially with everything that’s happened in the last year.
But there are a few things we can do right now to get back to work – and more importantly, to a position you love and that brings joy into your life — and it all starts at home.
5 Foundational Steps of Your Dream Career
- Update your professional social footprint.
- Start with what you have and where you are right now.
- Leverage your warm network.
- Connect the activities that you are doing at home in the workplace.
- Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. Remember, you can go only as far as your mind lets you.
“What you believe, you can achieve.”
– Mary Kay Ash, CEO and Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics
You Owe It to Yourself to Manifest Your Dream Career
You can collapse time and manifest your career and life goals when you take a quantum leap.
And remember, how you do one thing is how you do everything.
What is it costing you to stay in a career where you are no longer living your purpose?
“You live life looking forward, you understand life looking backward.”
-Soren Kierkegaard
Take the first step FORWARD and jumpstart your Dream Job in April:
“5-DAY Jumpstart Your Job Search Challenge”
April 12-April 17, 2021
You realize there is a problem with your job.
Problems are meant to be solved.
Many of us speak the same negative statements before we step forward on the way to our big dream job and life:
- There’s not enough money, or I can’t afford it.
- I’m too busy, or I don’t have the time.
- I am not sure how to get started, or I’m afraid.
Let’s turn this from problem language to solution language! Infuse “I CAN” into your daily intentions:
- “I can’t afford it” turns into “I can’t afford not to”.
- Example solution: a $300 per night hotel opens the door for a $50 per night AIRBNB.
- I have time to do what is most important right now.
- Example solution: track your time for 24 hours; prune, delegate or pause any non-essential tasks that don’t relate to your MIT (most important things).
Some of the best advice I can give you is to be open to a solution that is unexpected. We decide what and God shows us the how! Remember, God works in ways we know not of!
When you feel stuck or overwhelmed, remember:
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” -Phil 4:13
“The Lord is my Rock and my fortress and my deliverer. My God in whom I will trust. -Psalm 18:2
“Lord teach me what I cannot see” – Job 34:32
Job/Career Coaching Is an Investment in YOU
YOU are the most valuable investment you will ever make!
Career coaching is an investment – not an expense – because it pays dividends.
Get the support you need now. I have been blessed to be a blessing to the Dare2Dream community that I’m building through my Facebook group.
Dare2Dream: Join Me on Facebook
If you haven’t already, I’d love to have you join this amazing community!
You’ll find job search tips and strategies to reach and grow into your dream career and life, as well as prayers and devotional guidance. Connect with other faith-based community members who are on similar paths and are facing the same challenges.
Also, we’re gearing up for so many exciting activities and announcements along with a monthly drawing for a free coaching session with Coach Lisa … join now so you don’t miss anything!
Be sure to check out my Upcoming Event/Activities:
5-DAY “Jumpstart My Career Search” Challenge
Save the Date – April 11 – April 17, 2021
Manifest Your 6-Figure Dream: Career Incubator
Rolling enrollment begins April 19, 2021
Apply for membership Click Here
Career Masterclass
Save the Date – April 7 at 6pm and April 24 at 10am
Dream Careers on Clubhouse
Every Tuesday @12 Noon EST
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