Jumpstart Your Biz
Dr. La Wanna Parker, Inspirational Speaker, Author, Blogger, Podcaster
Speaker, Author, Blogger, and Podcaster
A friend of mine wrote an article, and I thought it would be of interest to you. She is a fabulous person to work with and has helped many individuals. Her writing is below. Please let me know if you like it by sharing it with others to read.
OMG, do you remember the song, For the Love of Money? I had to ask Google...‘who sings the song with money, money, money, money’... MONEY in it... It was the OJs, by the way!
Why do I ask this? Well. I was sitting here trying to figure out what message you could use today and moving into the weekend. What would serve you? What is at the top of the mind of my clients right now? It all has to do with the money in some way or another.
Hear me out.
You have heard the phrase: "Money is energy." Right!
I also like the one: "Money Follows Speed!" Meaning more money will come to you when you make faster decisions and take more rapid action. (I use this a lot at my events to showcase examples. I am going to get into that below.)
But I was thinking that many people I meet are fearful about talking about money, about asking for money, about mentioning their pricing, about charging more.
Let's face it, as an entrepreneur - you can not be this way. You have to find a way to get beyond your fears and potentially get outside your comfort zone so you can MAKE more money!!
This week alone, money has come up in many ways:
· I spoke with two money mindset coaches this week who serve women
· I spoke with four new clients about their money goals (and money fears)
· I spoke with eight clients or members of my International Entrepreneur Network (IEN) who need to make more money and get clients pretty darn quick, and we gave them tips on what to do to make FAST CASH (that is what I like to call it).
· I have had discussions with a financial planner and a real estate investor about how they want to help others build wealth
· I have heard from a couple of clients who had their BEST MONEY WEEK EVER!
So much of what I do and speak about is money.
You may not speak this much about money in your day-to-day lives. It occurred to me that this is why I am sooooo comfortable talking about my pricing, programs, asking for people to attend my events, and buy my stuff, is that I'm always in the conversation.
How can you get more in the conversation around money more consistently?
I swear on my life that this will be so helpful for you to do. Over time, I promise you will become so much more comfortable with the money conversation that you won't feel sleazy or like a used car salesman.
You have to sell, though. You have to market. You have to make offers. You have to have sales conversations. You can not hide from this, or you are not going to be successful.
One of the things I am SUPER GREAT AT is talking through the sales conversation with someone, one-on-one or in a group, and giving you THE WORDS to use in YOUR conversations. You feel empowered, confident, and assertive enough to enroll more clients into YOUR AMAZING PROGRAMS!
I want to help you make more sales quickly and authentically to impact so many more with your gifts.
Let me give you an example from one of my live events:
One time I had a pet psychic attend my event, and she was an extreme introvert (maybe some of you can relate). I love getting my hands on introverts. It is so fun! What we do at my events is to CREATE & SELL what I call Easy Yes Offers. We do this in the room, and I help you do this so that everyone has something to sell (to the room). Then people stand up and give us their pitches, right on the spot, and then I say, "Okay, who wants that offer?" and people raise their hands. The one who made the offer goes around and either collects the CASH or a credit card, they make the transaction ON THE SPOT mind you, and the person is usually FLOORED with the fact that they just made $300 or sometimes even $1,000!!
Yes, the pet psychic gal was not participating, she was listening and watching, and I watched her. Then once a bunch of people had shared their offers and money was flying around, I asked her to stand up and share hers. She said a polite "no thanks, I don't have one." And I said, "oh yes, you do... I'll bet over half the room has pets here, and you can work virtually as well as in-person, right?". She said, "yes."
I said, "Okay, stand up and let's see, what could you offer..." we brainstormed it out right there on the spot, she was happy with it and spat out the offer (reluctantly), and boy if like 5 or 6 people didn't raise their hands immediately to buy it!! I bought it too!! From the stage, I handed her my credit card!!
Did she get outside her comfort zone? YES
Was it worth it? I'd say so! It paid for her ticket and travel to the event!
What was the REAL lesson here?
1. That you have to SHOW UP IN PERSON sometimes, you can not always sit behind your computer. (With regards to virtual events, showing up means you have to be there with your video on taking notes and NOT multi-tasking!) PLUS.. social media will NOT bring you money like that every day or that easily!!
2. You don't know what you don't know. Well, until someone shoves you outside your comfort zone or teaches you. People need to "experience" you, and sometimes all it takes is a couple of minutes and an Easy YES Offer!!
3. You have to ACT. If the pet girl had said an absolute no to me and not stood up, she wouldn't have learned that she had an excellent offer for ANYONE, ANYWHERE, and at any event, she ever goes to. She can make money daily after this experience. She would not have made a dime, ha she not stood up. She may have regretted it later, too, kicking herself wondering why she couldn't take the leap in faith and let herself experience this.
What are YOU doing when it comes to experiences like this?
Do you sit and wait it out?
Do you say, well maybe later, not now?
Do you think, oh, I can't do that?
STOP IT! You are slowing down and even sabotaging your success. You deserve more, and you deserve it now, not someday.
I want to extend an invitation to you that is not just to another event that I host. It is to a CHANGE OF PERSPECTIVE for you about your business and how you are running it, marketing it, and more.
· Isn't it time that you took faster action so you can see more immediate results?
· Isn't it time that you stop waiting until you think everything is perfect, the stars align, and money magically appears into your bank account and instead make it happen?
I am here and willing to support you, guide you, and even push you outside your comfort zone (in a very safe, loving environment, by the way), so you can see more significant success in your business so much faster.
You will experience this at my next Jumpstart Your Biz VIRTUAL event...all of this and so much more!! We will create YOUR Easy Yes Offers, and you will get a chance to try them out. You will also learn how to do this VIRTUALLY!! Many entrepreneurs attend dozens of Zoom calls right now but not seeing ANY cash or new clients coming from it. STOP STRUGGLING with this... Attending this event will honestly be one of the best investments and experiences in your entrepreneurial journey thus far.
You have to trust me - but I'm also willing to put my money where my mouth is and offer a guarantee if you disagree!!! No one is doing that with other virtual events. I am because I know how perfect it is for you.
I hope and pray that you consider registering ASAP and just making it happen—no more excuses. You can bring a friend for only $97 once you register, too, do whatever you have to do, and let me get my hands on your business this November!
Here's to creating and enjoying a life full of lots of LOVE & MONEY!!
Award-Winning Speaker, Jumpstart Your Biz Coach
International Best-Selling Author with 11 books
Contact me anytime!
Office Landline: 916-872-4000
Email: [email protected]
Katrina Sawa is an International Speaker, International Best-Selling Author with 11 books, and the Jumpstart, Your Biz Coach. She helps entrepreneurs make a lot more money doing what you love. It includes helping you develop, and tweak a LOT of things from your online presence, website, social media, all other marketing, being a speaker, author, knowing what your business models are, what you’re selling, how to package and price yourself, developing your confidence to charge more, reach more, do more and learning everything you need to know to jumpstart your business and profits.
You can find out all about Katrina and get a few free pieces of training at https://www.JumpstartYourBizNow.com/freetrainings.
I pray you enjoyed the article. Katrina Sawa is very good at what she does. You will not be sorry, and she backs her words up with her guarantee. Until next time, please stay safe and keep the faith.