Jumping off the Healthcare Assembly Line
Barbara Duffy, DHSc, MPH, CPHQ, RN
Healthcare Transformation & Innovation, Health Innovation Officer, Consultant, Copy Writer, University Instructor Healthcare, Patient Safety, Author, Quality, Risk
A Quick Minute by Barbara Duffy, RN, CPHQ, DHSc
A reoccurring theme I have read in healthcare articles recently is the growing mention and importance of personalization.
Upon reflection, within the increasingly complex and rapidly changing world of healthcare, it appears we may have lost some insight within the original intention. Healthcare should help keep people healthy and specifically in accordance with the differing needs, abilities, and goals of the individual Patient (often now referred to as the Consumer).
Yet, the hospital satisfaction surveys are most frequently a collection of processed check boxes of “how did WE do?” ?Never have I seen a question regarding “How may we better personalize care and service to best respect YOU (the Patient/Consumer) as an individual?”
Patients need to feel they matter, are relevant, and somewhat empowered within the enormity of the healthcare system. Perhaps there should be a space within the Medical Record where each Patient may opt to include their general interests, accomplishments, goals, and hobbies. It would provide some insight into the who, where, when, how and why of what is important to that person.
Also, likewise offer to extend and apply this option to the Healthcare Staff to help promote camaraderie and teamwork within the organization.
Finally, there is one absolute.
Patients, Staff, and others may not be able to fully describe what personalization is, but they can certainly tell you what it is not.
An assembly line methodology, while an efficient and effective structure, process, and outcome within manufacturing items is not a comfortable or accommodating one for individuals. Healthcare is Personal. Being acknowledged as a unique individual who matters is affirming throughout life. Healthcare should lead the way in how to do this well.
How do you define and promote personalization in healthcare? What has been your experience?
Read more about it here:
Healthcare Leaders: Personalization is When People Know They Matter.? https://ramaonhealthcare.com/healthcare-leaders-personalization-is-when-people-know-they-matter/#content
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