Jumping Ball Progress

Jumping Ball Progress

Blog Post 2

I finally figured out how to fix the font path crash. Using const wasn't enough, as many crashes suddenly appeared. Using a char array fixed the font path problem and also resolved a random segmentation fault I was experiencing.

Also, I discovered a really cool tool for dmg file creation. I updated the CMakeLists.txt file to move the dynamic libraries to the .app bundle and added an icon too!

The problem with char* is that it points to the address of the first character and then the rest of the string can by found by going through each address after the first one until it meets a termination character. What does this might mean?

Since, the char* variable is not an array and points to the first character, the rest of the string can be mutated without a reason. I converted the const char* location to char location[1024] array. I created a temporary char* to assign the path that the FindResource returns and then run it through a for loop to copy it.

// Resource struct
typedef struct Resource
   char location[1024];

// Init app function

char *temp = "/Contents/Resources/fonts/Montserrat-VariableFont_wght.ttf";

for (int i = 0; i < strlen(temp); i++)
    fontResource.location[i] = temp[i]; 

// The for loop doesn't add the termination character
// I had to add it "manually"
fontResource.location[strlen(temp)] = '\0';        

To move the dylib files of each library inside the .app Frameworks folder, I used the same technique that I used for the assets that are being copied inside the .app bundle. The application does not search for the libraries inside the .app bundle. I need to find a way to fix this.

file(GLOB_RECURSE SDL_LIB_FILES "./modules/SDL/build/*.dylib")
file(GLOB_RECURSE SDL_TTF_LIB_FILES "./modules/SDL_ttf/build/*.dylib")
file(GLOB_RECURSE LIBLOCATE_LIB_FILES "./modules/cpplocate/build/*.dylib")

add_executable(    ${PROJECT_NAME} MACOSX_BUNDLE ./src/main.c
                ./src/app.h ./src/app.c ./src/resourcelocator.h
                ./src/resourcelocator.c ./src/text.h ./src/text.c
                ./src/results.h ./src/results.c ./src/textbox.h 
                ./src/textbox.c ./src/ball.h ./src/ball.c 
                ./src/button.h ./src/button.c ${APP_FONT} ${MACOS_ICON}

# include SDL library to the bundle
    get_filename_component(NEW_FILE_PATH_NAME ${RES_PATH_NAME} DIRECTORY)
# include SDL ttf library to the bundle
    get_filename_component(NEW_FILE_PATH_NAME ${RES_PATH_NAME} DIRECTORY)
# include cpplocate library to the bundle
    get_filename_component(NEW_FILE_PATH_NAME ${RES_PATH_NAME} DIRECTORY)

For the icon, I simply copied the resource to the Resources folder and added the icon as a property using CMakeLists.txt

file(GLOB MACOS_ICON "./packaging assets/img/Jumping_Ball_Logo.icns")

add_executable(    ${PROJECT_NAME} MACOSX_BUNDLE ./src/main.c
                ./src/app.h ./src/app.c ./src/resourcelocator.h
                ./src/resourcelocator.c ./src/text.h ./src/text.c
                ./src/results.h ./src/results.c ./src/textbox.h 
                ./src/textbox.c ./src/ball.h ./src/ball.c 
                ./src/button.h ./src/button.c ${APP_FONT} ${MACOS_ICON}

# Set macos Icon
set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES MACOSX_BUNDLE_ICON_FILE "Contents/Resources/packaging assets/img/Jumping_Ball_Logo.icns")        

For the dmg creation, I used a really cool that I found on GitHub. Special thanks to LinusU for the awesome tool!



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