Jump into Life with Two Boots
Peter Lorimer
CEO PLG Estates Beverly Hills. Born in England - Made in America. Luxury Real Estate, Design, Travel & Food. Host of “Stay Here” Netflix
This is something I live by.
I’m allergic to mediocrity. I would rather get something dead wrong than half right. Far too often, I see folks have the best of intentions, but then fear grabs them, and their effort becomes somewhat diluted. This is a sure-fire way to grind your dreams to dust.
Half measures avail us of nothing, and this is something that I see happen far too many times—in real estate and in other industries. I see agents try something for three months. They’ll do probates. They’ll do door-knocking for three months. They’ll do expired listings for three months. They will call their sphere of influence for three months. And then they’ll get super frustrated that they’re not getting the results they want, and they’ll bail and then they’ll change tactics. That’s half measures. If you don’t run at something constantly and hard, the results are just never going to come.
And that’s why I say we’ve got to be all in.
I want to give you a roadmap of how I go all in—every single day. There is a phrase that I learned long ago that has been incredibly powerful: I have to act my way into right thinking as opposed to think my way into right action.
Act your way into right thinking, instead of thinking your way into right acting.
Adjust Your Mindset
I don’t always wake up overjoyed and excited. Sometimes, I’m just not feeling into it. And when that happens, I mentally adjust my mind. I resolve to keep moving forward with no expectations around the results at all. I adjust my mindset. I’m not concerned with what I’m going to get.
I adjust my mindset to an attitude of gratitude. My cup is always half full. I don’t care if I’m running 100 miles an hour in the wrong direction and I hit a brick wall. Because then I know that’s not the right direction, and I’ll run another direction at 100 miles an hour. I always go into every endeavor with an attitude that I’m going to win. I don’t mean beat everyone out. I mean I have an attitude of success.
I go into everything hoping for success, hoping that I’m going to get the result that I want. But I also know that the result I do get will ultimately be the result I’m meant to get. I hope and want success, but if I don’t get the success I want, I look at it as a lesson—or fate.
I get many questions about how to find content. Here’s the secret: YouTube. Type anything in—anything your mind can conjure up, and you’ll find content to use as inspiration.
Find Your Inspiration
Here are some of the influencers I watch: Gary V., Case Neistat, Grant Cardone, and Tony Robbins. These guys motivate, inspire, and educate me. These people get behind a camera and give everything they know away.
I love giving away all the secrets. People are surprised that I’ll give away strategies and things I’ve learned. But it makes me feel good. It feels right to give it all away, so I’m going to continue doing that.
And as my coach, Steve Schultz says, "Nobody will ever be like you, Pete." People may be similar, but no one does you, like you. No one can know you better than you. People are choking on their own careers, fearful of what others think. I don’t give a shit what others think of me.
All I care about is, when my head hits the pillow on my final day of life, I am going to be able to close my eyes and know I did it my way. Whether it worked or failed, I did it my way.
I'm British, very proud to be British. Very proud to be American as well. If I tried to do this in the United Kingdom, I’d get squashed. I would be laughed out of town because I was part of the working class. In the United States, the playing field is leveled. Everyone loves ambition here. Everyone loves to see others win. Entrepreneurs are encouraged rather than squashed down.
“All In” Is For Everyone
There is no reason why anybody in any age group shouldn't go all in, right? Going all in is something that I'm a massive believer in, betting it all on yourself. Doubling down, tripling down on who you are and what you're about is something that I massively believe in.
If you're in your 20s, you have nothing to lose. You should be going for it. Live in a studio apartment, rent a cheap car, deploy all of your spare funds and time into strategies for your business because when you're in your 20s, that's it. That bears the biggest and exponential fruit of all.
When you're in your 30s, you begin to settle down. Maybe kids are involved. Maybe you bought your first house. You have responsibilities, you have mortgages, but you still have a massive amount of time after you to exponentially grow your careers.
This may sound surprising, but in your 40s and 50s, it's even more intense to double and triple down. You may not have 30 years of work left. That’s why I’m tripling down on the strategies that I believe in.
I love to take a risk. I love being the only guy in a certain arena. Because if I’m not squeezing every drop of juice out of every day, then I’m betraying those that I work with. And that’s why I get up every day and squeeze every drop out of it. I research every little thing so that I can break it to the guys I work with.
I also just love what I do. I really love it. I jumped all in, and I’m so glad. If I would’ve half-assed it, I would have never gotten anywhere. The very first video I did was uncomfortable. I was intense and out of my element. But I pushed through because, in everything I do, I’m all in.
Half measures absolutely mean nothing. If you're going to do something, folks, jump in with two boots