"Jump - Go Go Go"?!!

"Jump - Go Go Go"!!

Jumping out of a perfectly good plane is something I haven’t done yet but it’s been a thing on the “almost” bucket list for a while now. However the insight keeps being repeated for me in conversations at the moment with people who are one the precipice of jumping. You know how it is? The universe keeps serving up the same message repeatedly, so I thought I would share some thoughts on the topic in my first blog for a while.

The jumping I am referring to involves using a parachute – and when you jump, knowing that the parachute will open. Taking risks because you know it will work out.

It may sound counter-intuitive to many people. After all most of us are sensible, intelligent people who don’t do irrational things like jumping out of a plane. But think about it. When you skydive, you put in days of training. You learn what to do as soon as you leave the plane in order to stabilize yourself. And should the worst occur, you also learn how to handle unexpected occurrences. So when that green light comes on and you have to choose, why shouldn’t you jump? You know you’ll be fine – all you need is a little motivation in the form of a jumpmaster shouting “Go go go!!”

Life is very similar. You have been training for life all of your life! You have no doubt run through every possible catastrophic ending for whatever situation you may encounter. You know how to stabilize yourself when things get a bit hairy. The difference is, at that moment of truth when life presents the green light to do something amazing, most of us bottle it. I did it for years. I wanted to be a coach for as long as I could remember but I always put barriers in the way. I would tell myself,

“I’m not credible, I haven’t got an MBA, I haven’t held a senior management role, I haven’t worked in enough varied roles”.

So before I coached, I did all those things – and then I finally ran out of excuses. So, in the space of six weeks I finished my MBA, resigned from the senior management role I had, put my house on the market, starting selling off my possessions and “jumped”. Why? Because I knew the parachute would open. I was lucky enough to have a great coach who drew on real examples of where she thought I would be a great coach too – and it filled me with confidence. Thanks to her – my own personal Jumpmaster!!

In life we surprise ourselves how often it works out. Conversely, if we don’t jump, nothing works out. You lose every gamble you don’t take. Pablo Picasso was once quoted as saying;

"Action is the foundational key to all success." 

In fact you may be surprised to know that we fail about 20% as often as we anticipate we might. On that basis even if you think your risk is a 50/50 bet, it is actually closer to a 90+% chance of working out. Those are pretty good odds by anyone’s view. By using the analogy of jumping out of a plane we create a finality – and you do everything in your power to make it work out – by preparing, training and crucially JUMPING! Then if we look at some of the techniques we use in sessions with clients, visualising success also leads to a significantly higher chance of success.

In the last week people I know have dived with sharks. Another applied for a job they didn’t think they would ever get – until they realized that they just might. One called time on his crappy relationship because he realized he had access to happiness with others if he took this step. Lastly, and for me, most excitingly, one left his apartment building – something he hadn’t done for many months due to anxiety induced by agoraphobia. To you these may seem large or small events but to them, they were huge. And they did it – so why can’t you?

Now I am not suggesting you should sell everything and take off around the world. But if there is something you have been wanting to do, and constantly making excuses not to do it, remember there are people who can help train and mentally prepare you. There are techniques you can employ to achieve those things you wanted to do. Reach out and book a free strategy session where we do exactly this and start the ball rolling on this next adventure.  

Something is getting in the way of your next step to greatness and you just need to unlock it. All you have to do is jump by clicking the link below. In as little as 60 minutes we could have you taking that all important step to change your life.



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