July Reflections - Highlights & Deep Dives
As we enjoy a small break to refresh and recharge we can't help reflecting on the past couple of months of connection and community. We had so much incredible opportunity to bring Captains & Poets to thousands of young people this first half of 2024 and to delve deeper into working with educators across the world - helping them stay ignited in their passion and joy of teaching. We look forward to working with so many more of you in the later part of the year and we welcome and thrive on your curiosity, courage and creative energy to keep learning.
Making Positive Change in the World
It is always about connection and creating community wherever you are.
We were delighted to have recently been given an opportunity to tell our story locally and to provide a little bit of background on who we are and where we began. Very much like having kids…building a business is about having roots and growing wings.
Bright Light Wisdom
We are on a mission to spotlight?Bright Light educators?to help uplift teachers everywhere. Check out blog by?Paul Dwyer, Head at?Redmaids’ High School?in Bristol, UK as he shares his wisdom on how in a time of overwhelm our responsibility as educators is to unlock learning for each student, helping them see past divisiveness and cynicism, and to find themselves in the tidal wave of reality.
For more of Paul’s Bright Light Wisdom go to @CaptainsPoets Instagram and read Paul’s Blog on Surfing the Tidal Wave of Reality - Teaching Students to Be Genuine in Disingenuous Times.
Subscribe to the complete Captains & Poets Newsletter HERE for more inspiring content from educators, Teacher Tips, Monthly Promotions and a FREE GIFT!
Professional Development Spotlight
We had the privilege of working with 70 International Coalition of Girls’ Schools educators giving them the opportunity to be seen, to understand their?signature leader within – and to easily recognize how they can bring more of their authentic selves to their leadership. Participants walked away energized with a renewed sense of purpose in their work. We can’t help but wonder what the education system would be like if we could do that for every teacher and principal. As one participant said, “This is not a program; it is a movement.”
First In Class
We were honoured to be part of the?Finding Why?Course which was launched at the University of Hawai?i at Mānoa (UHM) this past year. This course explored a life well-lived focused on deepening self-understanding and empowering personal wayfinding. Captains & Poets was offered as a language for self-discovery and self-determination. Most recently we were invited back to provide some inspiration as educators went through a “Life Design” workshop designing and dreaming alongside their peers, leaving with a personal action plan for implementing purpose education and a rationale for “life design” in a school setting. Looking forward to working with these reflective educators again this fall!
Podcast Spotlight
Listen to this passionate and energetic segment on The Teacher Story Podcast with host, Bright Light, author and global educator Jackie Scully. The Teacher Story is a platform dedicated to amplifying the voices of educators and advocates in education. We were honoured to be considered as an organization who is contributing to “revolutionizing the education system to ensure every individual thrives and helping to redefine education as a pathway to human flourishing.”
“Whether you’re an educator, parent, or someone passionate about youth development, this episode will leave you inspired to champion the next generation of authentic leaders.” - The Teacher Story Podcast
Do You Know a Bright Light?
Nominate a Bright Light Educator HERE!
As always we are looking to connect and collaborate with like-minded educators and youth organization leaders. We would love to hear from you. Contact Us!