July Product Highlights
Hey there, map maestros! July has been a month of composing new features and fine-tuning improvements, all designed to enhance the way your team works together.
Ready to dive into the details? Here’s a short rundown of what’s new:
Add projects to groups
In the Projects app, you can now capture the scope of your projects. Define whether your project impacts the entire organization or only a specific group on your map. Projects are visualized around the respective circle with connecting lines to their assigned roles.
Enhanced representative roles
We've improved the visual effect of roles that are marked as representatives. They now feature a more pronounced spherical appearance, ensuring greater visibility. Take it even further by choosing a vibrant color from the color picker to accentuate its presence on your map.
Introducing copy-and-paste on the map
Map building and updating is now easier than ever with our latest release. You can now copy roles and groups on your map using the Cmd-C (copy) and Cmd-V (paste) commands on your keyboard. Streamline your workflow and enjoy effortless mapping!
Journal entries for changes to data-sensitive settings
The Journal app now logs all changes to data-sensitive settings. This includes making your map visible to the public, anonymizing personal data, allowing the sharing of private links, or enabling map embedding.
Request full access as a guest
As a Guest, you can now request to become a full member of your organization. Gain access to all map content, search engine capabilities, Peerdom apps, and private peer information, including contact details. Unlock new opportunities to contribute to your organization.
Export data for role contribution targets
Role contribution targets to easily identify understaffed or overstaffed situations (requires the Contribution App). If you're exporting your organizational data using the simple or full export wizard, your data exports now include role contribution targets.
These updates are our way of helping your team stay in perfect harmony. As always, we’re eager to hear your feedback and suggestions.
Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being part of our community!