July Newsletter ?? - A new face at Big Issue Invest
Welcome to your latest update from Big Issue Invest. We're trying something a little different this time, we’re keeping it snappy, because your time is precious.
This news will (we hope) take you less than one minute to read (if it takes you longer, please tell us!).
And, if you want to learn more, contact our friendly team. Here we go…
Richard Harland joins us in a new investor relations and fundraising role
Richard brings 25 years of expertise in alternative investments, business development, and ESG solutions.
Get in touch with Richard Harland to discuss the benefits of social impact investment at Big Issue Invest.?
Klara Kozlov, Big Issue Group Impact Advisory MD featured in Pioneers Post
Klara’s article explains why professional and private investors want to see ‘I’, real impact in ESG.
Read the full article here
Get in touch with Klara K. to learn more about our Impact Advisory Service.
What are social impact investment funds?
Rebecca Moss, Big Issue Invest Investment Manager, explains all in this latest article.
Read the full article here
Get in touch with Rebecca Moss to learn more about our active funds.
Big Issue Recruit partners with Emilia Clarke’s charity SameYou
Big Issue Recruit hosted an event in the House of Commons to celebrate this new partnership to help brain injury survivors get back into work.
Learn more here
Thank you for reading, see you next month.
Big Issue Invest Team
Ps. You can learn more about our active funds and programmes here