July Newsletter

July Newsletter

As July closes, recruitment agencies are still striking the iron while it’s hot. The roles are flooding in and a relentless search for talent continues. We’ve spent July showing up for our talented candidates, rewarding our valued staff and wishing good luck to loyal servants to Kennedy Business Services.

To Jackie

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As previously mentioned, we’ve been celebrating our talented bank of professionals and showing appreciation for their tireless work and dedication. None more so than Jackie Smiley, a brilliant and kindhearted Support Worker with a plethora of experience within the health and social care sector.?

From her early days in the medical ward of Lagan Valley Hospital with sister Dympna McGarry, Jackie's skill in her field has not gone unnoticed. Be it domiciliary care, working with adults with learning disabilities or mental health issues, Jackie has turned her hand to many healthcare settings.

Jackie has represented our business with warmth, professionalism and humility while tirelessly improving the lives of vulnerable adults in our community. We know Jackie isn’t in her line of work for the admiration and applause but we felt strongly that someone as skilled as she, should have some much-needed appreciation.?

From everyone here at Lynn Recruitment, we would like to extend our gratitude for your valued contribution to your profession and the countless benefits you give those in your care.?

Thank you.

Good Luck Carmel!

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We would like to take this opportunity to thank Carmel McCann for her years of service in Lynn Recruitment. Carmel has been part of Lynn Recruitment's journey throughout and will be sorely missed among her colleagues in addition to the clients she served. Everyone in the team sends their well wishes and hopes that her new career enables her to realise her goals.

From everyone in the Lynn Recruitment team, we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.

Belfast Pride

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As we all gear up for the Belfast Pride March on Saturday, Lynn Recruitment would like to send our good wishes to the local LGBTQ+ community and hope everyone has an enjoyable parade. We believe wholeheartedly that diversity and inclusive approaches to society and business are a cause for good and our latest article sets out to prove as much. In Pride in your Business, we have detailed the importance of safe workspaces and how inclusive businesses are outperforming their counterparts.


At Kennedy Business Services we are always on the lookout for different ways to improve our services for clients and candidates alike. When we advertise a job, we display the job description through a careers website or job board. There are many positives to this but one sticking point has always been the cost of the service. We chipped away at our budget, negotiated and haggled but the sticking point remained. Then, we discovered another way to advertise.?

Northern-ireland-jobs.co.uk is a free-to-post jobsite, powered by M-ploy. Businesses and job seekers can have access to unlimited job posts through an M-ploy license. Recruiters can advertise as many jobs as often as they like, without burning a hole in their pockets.?

We’re working hard to get the site up and running and we’ll keep you informed of developments as and when we can. Northern Ireland Jobs. We work for you.

Seeking to Ascend the Recruitment Ladder?

Taking your first steps up the recruitment ladder or scaling to the top rung? Lynn Recruitment has got you covered. Send your CV to [email protected] or call us on 028 9023 4324. Our consultants would be delighted to assist you in your search.?

Keep abreast of available opportunities alongside the latest Lynn Recruitment developments via our monthly newsletter. Subscribe now.

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