Juliana Ugochukwu

Energetic and vibrant employee with innovative skill

1 年

Amazing milestone attanained . Way to go

Ochei Alexander B.Sc. MSc. MILT

Logistics and Fleet Management, Supply Chain Management, Warehousing and Inventory Management, Customs Clearance, Maritime and Port Operations, Project Management

1 年

Good Day Sir/Ma https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe4ei0GwZoZAyVydfT2nZfwX_zADdyN2QVQxgUFnsUP3MUziQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link This is a research survey on the assessment of the Nigerian Maritime industry Potentials a Transit Point of Access to Landlocked African countries. I will need views and expertise opinion of NIMASA on the Survey. The research it carried out as a partial fulfilment of award of Masters in Maritime Administration and Management. It takes about 15minutes to complete. Thank you.

Sébastien PIERRE

Senior Manager - Directeur de projet domaine Industrie/Digital (multicanal)/Ass. & Banque

1 年

Great achievement ! Congratulations to the whole team !?

I'm curious

Balogun Mustapha

Attended federal college of fishries and marine

1 年

Please I am interested in working with lekki Freeport terminal..


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