July News

July News

Welcome to wtv.’s July newsletter! We are thrilled to bring you a collection of updates and insights to show you how we help our clients engage their global audiences through our innovative platforms and brilliant people.

We're really excited to share one of our latest projects, working with Nestlé to produce films which tell the story of the organisation, proudly on show at this year's Montreux Jazz Festival!If you're walking the shores of Lake Geneva for the festival, be sure to stop in at the Terrasse Nestlé for a yoga or live cooking class, or to simply grab a cocktail and see our work on full display.

As you head off for the summer break - you're probably thinking of how busy it will be across the event season from?September to December and even into 2025.

You may also be thinking about how you can optimise your events to minimise their carbon footprint.?

You'll be considering which event specialists you will be depending on, the video content creation and audio-visual approach, the experience of the technical teams and how the detailed run of show will be safely managed on the day.

And with all of that going on you may want to find a simple way to calculate the carbon footprint of all of your event choices?and see what you can save in time and cost at the same time.

Capture helps the events industry understand the full carbon, cost and time impact of their event decisions, to deliver even better and more sustainable events.

Contact us if you want world class in planning and delivering your world class hybrid and virtual events, and if you want to learn how to optimise your responsible event decision [email protected]

At the start of the month we were onsite in London with our German partners Velten to deliver a Capital Markets Day for Fresenius, a European multinational healthcare company based in Bad Homburg vor der H?he, Germany. We were onsite for three days, broadcasting the event in English, German and Spanish using our platform STREAMSTUDIO.?Here are some behind the scenes photos from another successful wtv. Capital Markets Day event:

To?discover how our teams can support you with your communication objectives.?Get in touch at [email protected]



