July Issue: The Power of Awareness
The Creative Executive
Executive development, cohort coaching + team coaching for high-growth, in-transition companies.
Awareness has been on our mind as of late — awareness of self, awareness of others, and organizational awareness. As we navigate change and uncertainty, awareness can help us focus on the things we have the power to affect. We hope these insights and tools help you cultivate awareness for yourself, your teams, and your organization.
- The Creative Executive Team
Next-Level Leadership is About Awareness
Awareness enables leaders and teams to work together more effectively. As we move into an increasingly complex and fast-paced future, companies investing in developing meta-skills like awareness (soft skills) in their people will have the strongest cultures, be the most adaptable to change, and achieve sustainable success. Click here to learn how to cultivate a culture of awareness in your organization + check out one of our case studies.
Our Four Favorite Executive Assessment Tools
While there are many ways to build awareness, our team finds executive assessments to be one of the most dynamic and influential–at both the organizational and individual levels. When used effectively, assessments lift the morale of teams, the leadership capabilities of individuals, and the organization’s overall performance. Learn more about our favorite executive assessment frameworks, where they work best, and why you might consider building an assessment program in your organization.
The A-Z of 360 Qualitative Executive Assessments
Data doesn’t tell the whole leadership story. Qualitative executive 360 assessments tell the more significant, harder-to-quantify leadership story, becoming an increasingly important leadership development tool for growing companies. They help executives see how they’re showing up in a human way. Learn more about how 360 assessments work, what they deliver, and why your organization might want to create a 360 program.
We help high-growth, in-transition companies level up their leaders to meet the challenges of today. Our talented team of coaches, trainers, and facilitators creates customized executive coaching, team/group coaching, and long-term leadership development engagements to address our client organizations' unique human, strategic, and structural concerns.
Learn more about what we do, and how we do it at creative-executive.com.
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