July Governance Roundup

July Governance Roundup

So far, 2024 has been a year of change and our roundup of publications and events this month aims to capture some of the key issues boards are facing. It has been interesting to see what boards need to do to prepare for the upcoming Corporate Governance Code changes (and it isn't just more of the same as before). In response, we've been sharing as much practical guidance as we can about how boards can start preparing now to be ready for 2026.?

It's also been valuable to observe other key trends and how they are affecting boards as they plan ahead. Below we share a few articles that offer useful perspectives on current topics of interest. We hope you find them helpful.

See below for the full list of guidance and events:

Webinar: Preparing for 2026

Richard Sheath and Maureen Beresford discussed how boards can prepare now for the forthcoming changes to the FRC's Corporate Governance Code. Download recording

The Effective Board: Stakeholder stimulation

Richard Sheath makes a case for spending more time on stakeholder considerations. Read more

Checklist for Audit and Risk Committees

A list of key questions that need to be examined now in preparation for the 2026 Code changes. Download checklist

Reassuring the Regulator: Case studies for FS Boards

Four boards facing regulatory concerns - and the steps that brought resolution in each case. Read case studies

AI and the Boardroom: Chair discussion

At our recent dinner for Chairs of Irish Boards, Martyn Chapman?and?Daniel Malan led a great discussion on why this technological advance is different, and the key questions that boards should be asking themselves now. The word cloud from the dinner discussion gives a sense of the richness of the exchange.?See the word cloud

Internal Audit Conference October 2024

An opportunity for the internal audit community to discuss innovative ways to address the rapidly-changing risk landscape. IAL Partner, Rachael Gardner, is presenting a breakout session. See the programme

Board composition: succession planning

Succession planning has become a priority for many boards and may require a rethink. Harvard offers 5 key questions to ask. Read the article

Board composition: socio-economic diversity

KPMG explores why companies who measure socio-economic backgrounds in their workforce are often not doing the same for the board. Read the article

IoD Consultation: Code of Conduct for Directors

The IoD behavioural framework contains six key "Principles of Director Conduct." Views are sought from the business community and the general public by Friday 16 August. See the Code of Conduct

Governing sustainability: are sustainability committees the answer?

This thought-leadership piece explores the issues organisations face and offers 10 key tips for sustainability committee success. Read the article

We'd love to hear more about how your Board is responding to all the changes. If you'd like to talk through possible approaches, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We're always happy to help.

?With best wishes for an enjoyable summer,

The Independent Audit Team


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